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This academic website is dedicated to Qur’anic studies. It offers an updated bibliographic and informational watch of the discipline.

IQSA Annual Meeting (July 15-18, 2024)

IQSA Annual Meeting (July 15-18, 2024)

Presentation The International Qur’anic Studies Association is delighted to hold its Annual Meeting in person from July 15-18, 2024, hosted by the Institute of Ismaili Studies. We are now (…)

Beyond Sectarianism. Ambiguity, Hermeneutics, and the Formations of (…)

Beyond Sectarianism. Ambiguity, Hermeneutics, and the Formations of Religious Identity in Early Islam (Juin 2024)

Thaver (Tehsen), Beyond Sectarianism. Ambiguity, Hermeneutics, and the Formations of Religious Identity in Islam, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2024, 320 p. ISBN 9781512825947 (…)

Quranic Redactionnal Criticism: an Introduction

Quranic Redactionnal Criticism: an Introduction

Presentation La critique rédactionnelle appliquée au livre fondateur de l’Islam s’impose comme une des disciplines les plus fascinantes de la coranologie contemporaine. Appelée Literarkritic en (…)

God's Other Book: The Qur'an Between History and Ideology

God’s Other Book: The Qur’an Between History and Ideology

Salama (Mohammad), God’s Other Book. The Qur’an between History and Ideology, Oakland, UCP, 2024, 245 p. ISBN 9780520391840 Author Mohammad Salama is Professor of Arabic and Qur’anic Studies (…)

Von den Huris zu den gläubigen Frauen im Paradies. Ein Beitrag zur (…)

Von den Huris zu den gläubigen Frauen im Paradies. Ein Beitrag zur Untersuchung des frühislamischen Frauenbildes

Davitashvili (Ana), Von den Huris zu den gläubigen Frauen im Paradies. Ein Beitrag zur Untersuchung des frühislamischen Frauenbildes, Leiden, Brill, ("Beiträge zur Koranforschung ; 2"), ?, 2024 p. (…)

Textkritik am Koran. Theoretische Grundlagen und Praxisfragen

Textkritik am Koran. Theoretische Grundlagen und Praxisfragen

Khademalsharieh (Tolou), Textkritik am Koran. Theoretische Grundlagen und Praxisfragen, Leiden, Brill, ("Beiträge zur Koranforschung ; 3"), 2024, ? p. ISBN 978-3-506-79667-7 Author Tolou (…)

8th Symposion der Inârah (1-4 May 2024)

8th Symposion der Inârah (1-4 May 2024)

Programme Mittwoc/Mercredi/Wednesday 01.05.2024 Anreise bis/Enregistrement jusqu’à/Check-in until 16.00 Kaffee ab/Pause-café à partir de/Coffee break from 16.30 17.00 Begrüßung im Namen von (…)

Navigating Language in the Early Islamic World: Multilingualism and Language (…)

Navigating Language in the Early Islamic World: Multilingualism and Language Change in the First Centuries of Islam

Borrut (Antoine), Ceballos (Manuela), Vacca (Alison) des., Navigating Language in the Early Islamic World: Multilingualism and Language Change in the First Centuries of Islam, Leuven, Brepols (…)

Traces of the Prophets Relics and Sacred Spaces in Early Islam

Traces of the Prophets Relics and Sacred Spaces in Early Islam

Bursi (Adam), Traces of the Prophets Relics and Sacred Spaces in Early Islam, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2024, 288 p. ISBN 9781399522328 Author Adam Bursi is an editorial assistant (…)

Interpréter le Coran : pratiques de lecture et stratégies discursives

Interpréter le Coran : pratiques de lecture et stratégies discursives

INTERPRÉTER LE CORAN : PRATIQUES DE LECTURE § STRATÉGIES DISCURSIVES Journée 1 Mot d’introduction : Hocine Benkheira Walid Saleh (University of Toronto) : Narratives and Handbooks : a Global (…)


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