This academic website is dedicated to Qur’anic studies. It offers an updated bibliographic and informational watch of the discipline.

Studies in Islamic Traditions and Literature
Totolli (Roberto), Studies in Islamic Traditions and Literature, London, Routledge, ("Variorum Collected Studies") 2023, 284 p. ISBN 9780367531669 Author Roberto Tottoli is Professor of (…)

Qur’an Commentary and the Biblical Turn. A History of Muslim Exegetical Engagement with the Biblical Text
Ross (Samuel), Qur’an Commentary and the Biblical Turn. A History of Muslim Exegetical Engagement with the Biblical Text, Berlin, De Gruyter, ("Islam – Thought, Culture, and Society; 3"), 2023, (…)

Modern Debates on Prophecy and Prophethood in Islam
Ansari (Mahsheed), Modern Debates on Prophecy and Prophethood in Islam, London, Routledge, 2023, 312 p. ISBN 9781003275848 Author Mahsheed Ansari is a Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Islamic (…)

Creation and Contemplation. The Cosmology of the Qur’ān and Its Late Antique Background (January 2023)
Ducharneux (Julien), Creation and Contemplation. The Cosmology of the Qur’ān and Its Late Antique Background, Berlin, DeGruyter, ("Studies in the History and Culture of the Middle East; 47"), (…)

Aux origines de l’islam: Muhammad et le califat
Ouardi (Hela), Aux origines de l’islam: Muhammad et le califat, Bruxelles, Académie Royale de Belgique, 2023, 98 p. ISBN 978-2803108749 Auteure Hela Ouardi est Professeur de littérature et de (…)

Sectarianism in Islam: The Umma Divided
Gaiser (Adam R.), Sectarianism in Islam: The Umma Divided, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2023, 252 p. ISBN 978-1107032255 Author Adam R. Gaiser is Professor of Religion at Florida (…)

Colloquium : "What is the European Qur’ān? Definitions, descriptions, representations (12th-19th c.) Nantes, 11-12 May 2023
Presentation Over the centuries, Muslim religious thought has taken hold of the Qur’ān in its textual and canonical materiality, but also as a theological object. This is evidenced by the rich (…)

The Emergence of Islam: Classical Traditions in Contemporary Perspective -2nd ed.- (March 2023)
Reynolds (Gabriel Said), The Emergence of Islam: Classical Traditions in Contemporary Perspective, 2nd ed., Minneapolis, Fortress Press, 2023, 248 p. ISBN 978-1506473888 Author Gabriel Said (…)

The Definitive Zoroastrian Critique of Islam: Chapters 11-12 of the Škand Gumānīg-Wizār by Mardānfarrox son of Ohrmazddād
Sahner (Christian), The Definitive Zoroastrian Critique of Islam: Chapters 11-12 of the Škand Gumānīg-Wizār by Mardānfarrox son of Ohrmazddād, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, ("Translated (…)

Inaugural International Conference : The Qurʾanic Linguistics Research Group (Online 14th -15th March, 2023)
The Qurʾanic Linguistics Research Group Inaugural International Conference السلام عليكم زميلاتي الفاضلات وزملائي الأفاضل، يسرنا دعوتكم لحضور المؤتمر الدولي لمجموعة (…)