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The “Seven Long Ones” (al-Sabʿ al-Ṭiwāl) : Approaches to Surahs 2–7 and 9

The “Seven Long Ones” (al-Sabʿ al-Ṭiwāl) : Approaches to Surahs 2–7 and 9

The “Seven Long Ones” (al-Sabʿ al-Ṭiwāl): Approaches to Surahs 2–7 and 9 Convened by Marianna Klar and Nicolai Sinai Pembroke College, Oxford, on 24 and 25 March 2025 Presentation In (…)

Selecciones coránicas de mudéjares y moriscos. Los tres hizbes arábigos

Selecciones coránicas de mudéjares y moriscos. Los tres hizbes arábigos

Adrián Rodríguez Iglesias (Adrián Rodríguez), Selecciones coránicas de mudéjares y moriscos. Los tres hizbes arábigos, , ("Biblioteca de Estudios Moriscos"), 2024, 226 p. ISBN 978-8413409504 (…)

Christianity and the Qur'an: The Rise of Islam in Christian Arabia

Christianity and the Qur’an: The Rise of Islam in Christian Arabia

Reynolds (Gabriel Said), Christianity and the Qur’an. The Rise of Islam in Christian Arabia, Yale, Yale University Press, 2025, 256 p. ISBN 9780300281750 Author Gabriel Said Reynolds is the (…)

Rethinking the Qur'an in Late Antiquity

Rethinking the Qur’an in Late Antiquity

Cole (Juan), Rethinking the Qur’an in Late Antiquity, Berlin, De Gruyter, ("IQSA Studies in the Qurʾan; 5"), 2024, 250 p. ISBN 978-3111340906 Author Juan Cole, University of Michigan, USA. (…)

Qurʾānic Hermeneutics by Non-Muslims (Volume 6)

Qurʾānic Hermeneutics by Non-Muslims (Volume 6)

Editor Georges Tamer, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Presentation This project presents the hermeneutical approaches to the Qurʾān of the most prominent Qurʾānic scholars (…)

Chaire Inter-universitaire d'Islamologie Pratique (CIIP) 2024-2025

Chaire Inter-universitaire d’Islamologie Pratique (CIIP) 2024-2025

Dans le cadre de la Chaire Inter-universitaire d’Islamologie Pratique(Université du Michigan) et le Professeur Jan Van Reeth (Faculté Protestante de Théologie et de sciences des Religions de (…)