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International Workshop: Qur’an and Bible (22-26 March 2021)
Originating in similar but not identical linguistic, geographical, cultural, and religious contexts, Qur’an and Bible stand in a complex relationship to each other. They share stylistic, narrative and cultic features, but also differ in fundamental ways. The Qur’an invokes the Bible and Biblical stories repeatedly and positions itself in a relationship of confirmation and fulfillment to the Judeo-Christian tradition, occasionally amending what it claims was distorted and manipulated by Christians and Jews.

International Conference : « La Syrie omeyyade : un contexte pour le Coran ? » (2-4 june 2021)
À la jonction des études coraniques et de l’histoire, ce colloque entend interroger l’évolution et la place du texte coranique aux débuts de l’Islam dans un contexte spatial et temporel déterminé : la région centrale de la Syrie-Palestine (Bilād al-Shām) sous la dynastie califale omeyyade (661-750). Le but est de favoriser les échanges entre des spécialistes de l’espace syrien à l’époque omeyyade (historiens, littéraires, papyrologues, archéologues) et des spécialistes du texte coranique (islamologues, philologues, codicologues) pour faire le point et avancer de nouvelles pistes sur le Coran dans la Syrie omeyyade.

11th Enoch Seminar / Session on "Early Islam" 27 May, 2021
To mark the 200th anniversary of the first “full” English translation of the “book of Enoch” by Richard Laurence (1821) and the 20th anniversary of the Enoch Seminar, the LMU Munich Congress on Apocalypticism in Antiquity has assembled 120 scholars and colleagues from around the world to address a much debated question that remains relevant for today.

Seminar: The European Qur’an (21-25 june 2021)
The objective of this seminar is to analyse the role that the Qur’an had in interactions in modern and medieval Europe with Islam, in debates between Christians of various persuasions and doctrines or in criticism of Christianity during the Enlightenment, among other areas of investigation.

Call for short papers : a booklet in homage of Professor Hichem Djait
Presentation Beit al Hikma plans to publish a booklet in homage of Professor Hichem Djait (1935-2021). Colleagues who would like to participate to send their written texts, not exceeding 1000 (…)

International Conference: The Cairo Edition of the Qurʾān, 1924 (Texts, histories & challenges)
The Cairo Edition of the Qurʾān 1924 October 16ᵗʰ‒17ᵗʰ, 2021 Coordination : Asma Hilali (Université de Lille).