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Gabriel Said Reynolds - Inaugural Conference (15 march, 6-8pm)
Chaire Interuniversitaire D’islamologie Pratique (UCLouvain/IPFI) Inaugural Lecture (in French) Dieu et sa providence dans la Bible, le Coran, et l’exégèse Gabriel Said Reynolds Université (…)

Conférences en islamologie (Journées d’études. Lille, 13-14 avril)
Conférences en islamologie Journées d’études organisées par l’Institut Français d’Islamologie Dates & Lieux Jeudi 13 avril 2023: 9h50 - 16h00 Amphi B7 vendredi 14 avril 2023: 9h50- 13h (…)

Inaugural International Conference : The Qurʾanic Linguistics Research Group (Online 14th -15th March, 2023)
The Qurʾanic Linguistics Research Group Inaugural International Conference https://qlg.swansea.ac.uk/ السلام عليكم زميلاتي الفاضلات وزملائي الأفاضل، يسرنا دعوتكم لحضور المؤتمر الدولي لمجموعة (…)

Colloquium : "What is the European Qur’ān? Definitions, descriptions, representations (12th-19th c.) Nantes, 11-12 May 2023
Presentation Over the centuries, Muslim religious thought has taken hold of the Qur’ān in its textual and canonical materiality, but also as a theological object. This is evidenced by the rich (…)

Histoire(s) et Coran (15 June 2023)
COLLOQUE Organisé par François DÉROCHE, CHAIRE HISTOIRE DU CORAN TEXTE ET TRANSMISSION Histoire(s) et Coran Jeudi 15 juin 2023 9h30 Allocution d’accueil 9h45 Tanzīl et Temps. Une (…)

Mary in the quran (A conference on the Book)
Presentation This conference seeks to convene scholars who can discuss the major themes of the book, engaging with the chapters and in dialogue with them. An entire Sura bears her name. She is (…)