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A Comparative Lexical Study of Qur’ānic Arabic (Martin R. ZAMMIT)
ZAMMIT (Martin R.), A comparative lexical study of Qur’ānic, Leiden, Brill, ("Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 The Near and Middle East; 61"), 2002, XIV+658 p. ISBN 90 04 11801 2 Auteur (…)

The foreign vocabulary of the Qu’rân (Arthur JEFFERY)
JEFFERY (Arthur), The foreign vocabulary of the Qu’rân, with a foreword by Gerhard Böwering and Jane Dammen Mc Auliffe, Leiden, Brill, (« Texts and studies on the Qur’an, 3 »), 2007, XX-311 p. (…)

Dictionnaire du Coran (dir. Mohammad Ali Amir MOEZZI)
Dictionnaire du Coran, directeur de publication Mohammad Ali Amir MOEZZI, Paris, Robert Laffont, (« Bouquins »), 2007, XXXVI+981 p. Bibliogr ; glossaire ; index. ISBN 2-221-09956-8 Dictionnaire (…)

Arabic-English dictionnary of Qur’anic usage (BADAWI & ABDEL HALEEM)
BADAWI (Al Saïd Muhammad) & ABDEL HALEEM (Muhammad), Arabic-English dictionnary of Qur’anic usage, Leiden, Brill, ("Handbook of oriental studies. Section one, the Near and Middle East", 85), (…)

A dictionary and glossary of the Koran (John PENRICE)
PENRICE (John), A dictionary and Glossary of the Koran, New York, Dover Publications, 2004, 166 p. ISBN 0-486-43439-7 Reproduction de Penrice (John), Dictionnary and Glossary of the Koran, with (…)

The Nouns of Koranic Arabic Arranged by Topics (Arne A. AMBROS & Stephan PROCHAZKA)
AMBROS (Arne A.) & PROCHAZKA (Stephan), The Nouns of Koranic Arabic Arranged by Topics A Companion Volume to the “Concise Dictionary of Koranic Arabic”, Wiesbaden, Reichert Verlag, 2006, 128 (…)