Mehr (Vahid Mahdavi), Is the Quran Supersessionist? Toward Identifying the Quran’s Theological Framework of Engagement with Earlier Abrahamic Traditions, Leiden, Brill, ("") 2023, . ISBN: 978-3-657-79166-8
Vahid M. Mehr is an independent researcher. He studied Islamic studies in Qom and acquired his Ph.D. in Comparative theology from the Universität Paderborn.

The present book investigates whether the Quran argues in a supersessionist framework. Many Quranic scholars have addressed the question of supersessionism in the Quran, and there are a variety of opinions on the Quran’s theology of Abrahamic religions. However, the arguments in this discussion focus more on the Quran’s engagement with Jews and Christians rather than the Quran’s depiction of ancient Israelites and Jesus as a Jew. There are Quranic verses that are fundamental in deciding whether the Quran subscribes to the Christian concept of supersession. From pluralist to exclusivist, Quranic scholars seem to agree on the literal meaning of these verses. Upon closer examination, however, some of these critical verses seem to have been superficially read. This book tries to read these verses more carefully and paves the way for a more systematic understanding of the Quran’s theology of Abrahamic religions.