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This academic website is dedicated to Qur’anic studies. It offers an updated bibliographic and informational watch of the discipline.

Muḥammad and His Followers in Context. The Religious Map of Late Antique Arabia

Muḥammad and His Followers in Context. The Religious Map of Late Antique Arabia

Lindstedt (Ilkka), Muḥammad and His Followers in Context. The Religious Map of Late Antique Arabia, Leiden, Brill, ("Islamic History and Civilization, Volume ; 209"), 2024, ? ISBN (…)

Der Koran: Ausgewählt, angeordnet und im Metrum des Originals übertragen von (…)

Der Koran: Ausgewählt, angeordnet und im Metrum des Originals übertragen von Hubert Grimme

Der Koran: Ausgewählt, angeordnet und im Metrum des Originals übertragen von Hubert Grimme, Michael Fisch (ed.), Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2023, 326 p. ISBN 978-3826079542 Author (…)

Defense (10 nov.) : Historiographical and normative conceptions of the (…)

Defense (10 nov.) : Historiographical and normative conceptions of the images of Prophet Muḥammad. From the first manifestations in the sources to the 3rd/9th century

Summary The image of Muḥammad crystallizes many fantasies until today. A warrior prophet, legislator or miracle maker, these representations are only rarely distinguished from the historical (…)

Studies on the Life of Muhammad and the Dawn of Islam: Idol Worshippers, (…)

Studies on the Life of Muhammad and the Dawn of Islam: Idol Worshippers, Christians and Jews in Pre- and Early Islam

Lecker (Michael), Studies on the Life of Muhammad and the Dawn of Islam: Idol Worshippers, Christians and Jews in Pre- and Early Islam, London, Routledge, 2023, 272 p. ISBN 978-1032449821 Author (…)

Le Coran : de la Tribu à l'Empire. Autour de l'oeuvre de (…)

Le Coran : de la Tribu à l’Empire. Autour de l’oeuvre de Jacqueline Chabbi

Azaiez (Mehdi) ed., Le Coran : de la Tribu à l’Empire. Autour de l’oeuvre de Jacqueline Chabbi, Louvain-La-Neuve, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, ("Religio"), 2023, 350 p. Editor Mehdi (…)

European Muslims and the Qur'an Practices of Translation, (…)

European Muslims and the Qur’an Practices of Translation, Interpretation and Commodification (Nov. 2023)

Wiegers (Gerard), Sibgatullina (Gulnaz), European Muslims and the Qur’an. Practices of Translation, Interpretation and Commodification, Berlin, De Gruyter, ("The European Qur’an; 5"), 2024, 260 p. (…)

Qurʾānic Studies: Between History, Theology and Exegesis

Qurʾānic Studies: Between History, Theology and Exegesis

Azaiez (Mehdi) & Arfa Mensia (Mokdad) -eds.-, Qurʾānic Studies: Between History, Theology and Exegesis, Berlin, De Gruyter, ("IQSA Studies in the Qur’an ; 4"), 2023, 270 p. ISBN 9783111047904 (…)

Is the Quran Supersessionist? Toward Identifying the Quran's (…)

Is the Quran Supersessionist? Toward Identifying the Quran’s Theological Framework of Engagement with Earlier Abrahamic Traditions

Mehr (Vahid Mahdavi), Is the Quran Supersessionist? Toward Identifying the Quran’s Theological Framework of Engagement with Earlier Abrahamic Traditions, Leiden, Brill, ("") 2023, . ISBN: (…)

Honoring Melchert: Conference at Pembroke College (25 September 2023)

Honoring Melchert: Conference at Pembroke College (25 September 2023)

Presentation conference celebrating the scholarship and teaching of Prof. Christopher Melchert, to be held at Pembroke College, Oxford, on Monday 25 September 2023. The program ranges broadly (…)

The Living Qur'ān

The Living Qur’ān

Hussain (Ali J.),The Living Qur’ān, Berlin, De Gruyter, ("IQSA Studies in the Qurʾan; 3"), 2023, 350 p. ISBN 978-3110794946 Author Ali J. Hussain received his PhD from the Department of Near (…)


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