This academic website is dedicated to Qur’anic studies. It offers an updated bibliographic and informational watch of the discipline.

Al-Kalam. Aux origines de l’Islam (Website)
Presentation Al Kalam est une initiative portée par des universitaires spécialisés dans les études islamiques. Nous avons décidé de former un collectif afin de partager notre passion pour (…)

The Emergence of Arabic Poetry From Regional Identities to Islamic Canonization
Miller (Nathaniel A.), The Emergence of Arabic Poetry. From Regional Identities to Islamic Canonization, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2024, 400 p. ISBN 9781512825305 (…)

The Banū Sulaym: A Contribution to the Study of Early Islam. Revised Edition
Lecker (Michael), The Banū Sulaym: A Contribution to the Study of Early Islam. Revised Edition, Berlin, Gerlach Press, 2025, 220 p. ISBN 9783959941884 Presentation The study focuses on Sulaym (…)

Comprendre le Coran : Initiation à l’approche historico-critique du Coran (Ateliers participatifs)
Présentation Séances d’atelier participatif d’approche historico-critique du Coran. Financé par l’IPFI, ces ateliers proposent de mettre les participants à la place d’un historien du texte, les (…)

Najrān En Arabie. La Ville Des 200 Martyrs Chrétiens: Histoire Et Archéologie Antiques Et Médiévales
Robin (Christian Julien), Najrān En Arabie. La Ville Des 200 Martyrs Chrétiens: Histoire Et Archéologie Antiques Et Médiévales, Leiden, Brill ("Documenta Coranica; 5"), 2024, 495 p. ISBN (…)

The Topkapı Qurʾān Manuscript H.S. 32. History, Text, and Variants
Halaseh (Rami Hussein), The Topkapı Qurʾān Manuscript H.S. 32. History, Text, and Variants, Berlin, Degruyter, ("Islam - Thoughts, Culture and Society; 7"), 2024, 252 p. ISBN 9783111455259 (…)

Female Divinity in the Qur’an In Conversation with the Bible and the Ancient Near East
Badawi (Emran al-), Female Divinity in the Qur’an In Conversation with the Bible and the Ancient Near East, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2024, XXI+197 p. ISBN 978-3-031-61799-7 Author Emran (…)

The Prophet’s Whistle Late Antique Orality, Literacy, and the Quran
Archer (George), The Prophet’s Whistle: Late Antique Orality, Literacy, and the Quran, Iowa City, University of Iowa Press, 2024, 218 p. ISBN 978-1609389451 Author George Archer is assistant (…)

Ethics in the Qurʾān and the Tafsīr Tradition. From the Polynoia of Scripture to the Homonoia of Exegesis
Moqbel (Tareq Hesham), Ethics in the Qurʾān and the Tafsīr Tradition. From the Polynoia of Scripture to the Homonoia of Exegesis, Leyde, Brill, ("Texts and Studies on the Qurʾān; 23"), 2024, p. (…)

Retranslating the Bible and the Qur’an: Historical Approaches and Current Debates
Boulogne (Pieter), Lang (Marijke H. de), Verheyden (Joseph) (eds.), Retranslating the Bible and the Qur’an: Historical Approaches and Current Debates, Leuven, Leuven University Press, 2024, 400 p. (…)