Ouvrages en anglais

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The Hidden Origins of Islam: New Research into Its Early History (Karl H. OHLIG ; Hrsg. Gerd R. PUIN)
OHLIG (Karl-Heinz) & PUIN (Gerd-R.) (eds), The Hidden Origins of Islam: New Research into Its Early History, New-York, Prometheus Books, 2009, 406 p. ISBN 1591026342 A noter : l’ouvrage est (…)

The Arabs in Antiquity, their history from the Assyrians to the Umayyads (Jan RETSÖ)
RETSÖ (Jan)., The Arabs in Antiquity, their history from the Assyrians to the Umayyads, London-New York, RoutledgeCurzon, 2003, XIII-684 p ISBN 0-7007-1679-3 L’auteur Jan Retso a obtenu son (…)

Kinship and marriage in early Arabia (William Robertson SMITH)
SMITH (William Robertson), Kinship and marriage in early Arabia, Cambridge, University Press, 1885, XIV+322 p. L’auteur Elève précoce, William Robertson Smith entra à l’Université de Aberdeen (…)

The historical development of the Qurán (Edward SELL)
SELL (Edward), The historical development of the Qurʾán, London, S.P.C.K. ; New York : Gorham, 1905, VI+248 p. L’auteur Edward Sell (1839-1932) termina ses études à la Church Missionary (…)

People, Tribes and Society in Arabia Around the Time of Muhammad (Michael LECKER)
LECKER (Michael), People, tribes, and society in Arabia around the time of Muhammad, Burlington, VT : Ashgate, ("Variorum collected studies series ; CS812"), 2005, X+348 p. Notes bibliogr. Index (…)

Muhammad and the Origins of Islam
PETERS (Francis E.), Muhammad and the origins of Islam, Albany, State University of New York Press, ("Near Eastern studies"), 1994, XIII+334 p. Biblio. Index. ISBN 0-7914-1875-8 PETERS (…)