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Ouvrages en anglais

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The Biography of Muhammed. Nature and Authenticity (Gregor SCHOELER)

The Biography of Muhammed. Nature and Authenticity (Gregor SCHOELER)

SCHOELER (Gregor), MONTGOMERY (James E.), The Biography of Muhammed. Nature and Authenticity, London New-York, Routledge, ("Routledge Studies in Classical Islam"), 2010, 194 p. ISBN (…)

Analysing Muslim Traditions. Studies in Legal, Exegetical and Maghāzī Ḥadīth (…)

Analysing Muslim Traditions. Studies in Legal, Exegetical and Maghāzī Ḥadīth (Harald MOTZKI, Nicolet BOEKHOFF-VAN DER VOORT, Sean W. ANTHONY)

MOTZKI Harald, BOEKHOFF-VAN DER VOORT Nicolet, ANTHONY W. Sean, Analysing Muslim Traditions. Studies in Legal, Exegetical and Maghāzī Ḥadīth, Leiden, Brill, ("Islamic History and Civilization ; (…)

The Corân; its composition and teaching and the testimony it bears to the (…)

The Corân; its composition and teaching and the testimony it bears to the Holy Scriptures" (William MUIR)

MUIR (William), The Corân, its composition and teaching, and the testimony it bears to the Holy Scriptures, Londres, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge ; New York : Pott, Young & Co., (…)

The testimony borne by the Coran to the Jewish and Christian Scriptures (…)

The testimony borne by the Coran to the Jewish and Christian Scriptures (William MUIR)

MUIR (William), The testimony borne by the Coran to the Jewish and Christian Scriptures, Agra, Printed at the Secundra Orphan Press, 1856, X+112 p. L’auteur Sir William Muir était un (…)

Bible characters in the Koran (John WALKER)

Bible characters in the Koran (John WALKER)

Walker (John), Bible Characters in the Koran, Paisley, Gardner, 1931, 136 p. Preface The purpose of this little book is to present in an accessible form all the Biblical personages who are (…)

Early Christianity in Arabia, a historical essay (Thomas WRIGHT)

Early Christianity in Arabia, a historical essay (Thomas WRIGHT)

WRIGHT (Thomas), Early Christianity in Arabia, a historical essay, London, Bernard Quaritch, 1855, VI+198 p. L’auteur Thomas Wright (21 avril 1810 - Décembre 23, 1877) était un antiquaire et (…)