Ouvrages en anglais

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Muhammad and the Golden Bough, Reconstructing Arabian Myth (Jaroslav STETKEVYCH)
STETKEVYCH (Jaroslav), Muḥammad and the golden bough : reconstructing Arabian myth, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1996, XI+169 p. Biblio, Index. ISBN 0-253-33208-7 L’auteur Jaroslav (…)

Materials for the History of the Text of the Quran; The Old Codices (Arthur JEFFERY)
JEFFERY (Arthur), Materials for the history of the text of the Qurʾān : The old codices : the "Kitāb al-Maṣāḥif" of Ibn Abī Dāwūd, together with a collection of the variant readings from the (…)

Results of contemporary research on the Qur’an. The question of a historio-critical text (éd. Manfred KROPP)
Kropp (Manfred) (ed.), Results of contemporary research on the Qur’an. The question of a historio-critical text, Beirut, Orient-Institut der DMG/Würzburg, Ergon Verlag ("Beiruter Texte und (…)

The Oral and the Written in Early Islam (Gregor SCHOELER)
SCHOELER (Gregor), The oral and the written in early Islam, translated by Uwe Vagelpohl ; edited by James Montgomery, New York, NY, Routledge, ("Routledge studies in Middle Eastern literatures ; (…)

The spiritual background of early Islam : studies in ancient Arab concepts (BRAVMANN M. M.)
BRAVMANN (M.M.), The spiritual background of early Islam : studies in ancient Arab concepts by M.M. Bravmann ; with and introduction by Andrew Rippin, Leiden ; Boston, Brill, ("Brill classics in (…)

Divine word and prophetic word in early Islam : a reconsideration of the sources, with special reference to the Divine Saying or Hadîth Qudsî (William A. GRAHAM)
GRAHAM (William A), Divine word and prophetic word in early Islam : a reconsideration of the sources, with special reference to the Divine Saying or Hadîth Qudsî, Paris/Mouton, The Hague, (…)