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Ouvrages en anglais

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Muhammad and the Golden Bough, Reconstructing Arabian Myth (Jaroslav STETKEVYCH)

Muhammad and the Golden Bough, Reconstructing Arabian Myth (Jaroslav STETKEVYCH)

STETKEVYCH (Jaroslav), Muḥammad and the golden bough : reconstructing Arabian myth, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1996, XI+169 p. Biblio, Index. ISBN 0-253-33208-7 L’auteur Jaroslav (…)

Materials for the History of the Text of the Quran; The Old Codices (Arthur (…)

Materials for the History of the Text of the Quran; The Old Codices (Arthur JEFFERY)

JEFFERY (Arthur), Materials for the history of the text of the Qurʾān : The old codices : the "Kitāb al-Maṣāḥif" of Ibn Abī Dāwūd, together with a collection of the variant readings from the (…)

Results of contemporary research on the Qur'an. The question of a (…)

Results of contemporary research on the Qur’an. The question of a historio-critical text (éd. Manfred KROPP)

Kropp (Manfred) (ed.), Results of contemporary research on the Qur’an. The question of a historio-critical text, Beirut, Orient-Institut der DMG/Würzburg, Ergon Verlag ("Beiruter Texte und (…)

The Oral and the Written in Early Islam (Gregor SCHOELER)

The Oral and the Written in Early Islam (Gregor SCHOELER)

SCHOELER (Gregor), The oral and the written in early Islam, translated by Uwe Vagelpohl ; edited by James Montgomery, New York, NY, Routledge, ("Routledge studies in Middle Eastern literatures ; (…)

The spiritual background of early Islam : studies in ancient Arab concepts (…)

The spiritual background of early Islam : studies in ancient Arab concepts (BRAVMANN M. M.)

BRAVMANN (M.M.), The spiritual background of early Islam : studies in ancient Arab concepts by M.M. Bravmann ; with and introduction by Andrew Rippin, Leiden ; Boston, Brill, ("Brill classics in (…)

Divine word and prophetic word in early Islam : a reconsideration of the (…)

Divine word and prophetic word in early Islam : a reconsideration of the sources, with special reference to the Divine Saying or Hadîth Qudsî (William A. GRAHAM)

GRAHAM (William A), Divine word and prophetic word in early Islam : a reconsideration of the sources, with special reference to the Divine Saying or Hadîth Qudsî, Paris/Mouton, The Hague, (…)