Ouvrages en anglais

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Judaism in Islām, Biblical and Talmudic backgrounds of the Koran and its commentaries: suras II and III (Abraham Isaac KATSH)
KATSH (Abraham Isaac), Judaism in Islām, Biblical and Talmudic backgrounds of the Koran and its commentaries: suras II and III, New York, Published for New York University Press by Bloch Pub. Co., (…)

Muhammad Is Not the Father of Any of Your Men: The Making of the Last Prophet (David S. POWERS)
POWERS (David Stephan), Muhammad Is Not the Father of Any of Your Men: The Making of the Last Prophet, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, ("Divination"), 2009, XVI-357 p. Bibliogr. (…)

The Jewish foundation of Islam (Charles Cutler TORREY)
TORREY (Charles Cutler), The Jewish foundation of Islam, New York, Jewish institute of religion Press, 1933, 164 p. L’auteur Charles Cutler Torrey (1863-1956) était un historien et (…)

Studies in early Islamic tradition (Suliman BASHEAR)
BASHEAR (Suliman), Studies in early Islamic tradition, Jerusalem, The Max Schloessinger Memorial Foundation, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, ("The Max Schloessinger memorial series. Collected (…)

The Bible in Arab Christianity (éd. David THOMAS)
THOMAS (David) éd., The Bible in Arab Christianity, Leiden, Brill, ("The History of Christian-Muslim Relations, 6"), 2007, VI+ 422 p. ISBN 978 90 04 15558 9 Note : Communications présentées au (…)

The Bible, the Koran, and the Talmud : or, biblical legends of the Mussulmans (Gustav WEIL)
WEIL (Gustav), The Bible, the Koran and the Talmud or Biblical legends of the Mussulmans, New York : Harper, ("Harper’s new miscellany ; 15"), 1846, 264 p. (également éd. en 1855 à Londres) (…)