Ouvrages en anglais

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The Qur’an A Historical-Critical Introduction
Sinai (Nicolai), The Qur'an, A Historical-Critical Introduction, Edinburg, Edinburg University Press, ("The New Edinburgh Islamic Surveys"), 2017, 224 p. ISBN 9780748695768

Ethics and Poetry in Sixth-century Arabia by Nadia Jamil (September 2017)
Jamil (Nadia), Ethics and Poetry in Sixth-century Arabia, Oxford, Gibb Memorial Trust, 304 p. ISBN 978-1909724969 The author Nadia Jamil is College Lecturer in Arabic at St Benet s Hall and (…)

John of Damascus and Islam by Peter F. Schadler (December 2017)
Schadler (Peter F.), John of Damascus and Islam. Christian Heresiology and the Intellectual Background to Earliest Christian-Muslim Relations, Leiden, Brill, ("The History of Christian-Muslim (…)

Parable and Politics in Early Islamic History. The Rashidun Caliphs by Tayeb al Hibri (March 2018)
El-Hibri (Tayeb), Parable and Politics in Early Islamic History. The Rashidun Caliphs, New-York, Columbia University Press, 2 ed., 2018, 488 p. 9780231150828 Author Tayeb El-Hibri is (…)

Jewish-christianity and the Origins of Islam by Francisco del Rio Sanchez ed. (February 2018)
Del Rio Sanchez (Francisco), Jewish-christianity and the Origins of Islam: Papers Presented at the Colloquium Held in Washington Dc, October 29-31, 2015; 8th Asmea Conference 15 février 2018, (…)

Evolution of the Early Qur’ān. From Anonymous Apocalypse to Charismatic Prophet by Daniel Beck (April 2018)
Beck (Daniel), Evolution of the Early Qur’ān. From Anonymous Apocalypse to Charismatic Prophet, New York, Peter Lang, ("Apocalypticism"), 2018, XXVII+386 p. ISBN 978-1-4331-4646-6 Beck (…)