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Ouvrages en anglais

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Decline and Fall of the Sasanian Empire: The Sasanian-parthian Confederacy (…)

Decline and Fall of the Sasanian Empire: The Sasanian-parthian Confederacy and the Arab Conquest of Iran by Parvaneh Pourshariati (Re-publication, february 2017)

Pourshariati (Parvaneh), Decline and Fall of the Sasanian Empire: The Sasanian-parthian Confederacy and the Arab Conquest of Iran, Londres, IB Tauris, 2016, 552 p. ISBN 978-1784537470 The (…)

"Before Orthodoxy: The Satanic Verses in Early Islam" by Ahmad (…)

"Before Orthodoxy: The Satanic Verses in Early Islam" by Ahmad Shahab (April 2017)

Ahmed (Shahab), Before Orthodoxy: The Satanic Verses in Early Islam, Harvard University Press, 2017, 320 p. ISBN 978-0674047426 The author Shahab Ahmed (d. 2015) taught at Harvard University (…)

Amirav H., Grypeou E., Stroumsa G.G., Apocalypticism and Eschatology in Late (…)

Amirav H., Grypeou E., Stroumsa G.G., Apocalypticism and Eschatology in Late Antiquity, Encounters in the Abrahamic Religions, 6th-8th Centuries (2017)

Editors Amirav (Hagit), Grypeou (Emmanouela), Stroumsa (Guy), Apocalypticism and Eschatology in Late Antiquity, Encounters in the Abrahamic Religions, 6th-8th Centuries, Leuven, Peeters, ("Late (…)

Early Islamic Law in Basra in The 2nd/8th Century, Aqwal Qatadah b. (…)

Early Islamic Law in Basra in The 2nd/8th Century, Aqwal Qatadah b. Da’amah al-Sadusi by Abdulrahman al-Salimi (April 2017)

Abdulrahman al-Salimi, Early Islamic Law in Basra in The 2nd/8th Century, Aqwal Qatadah b. Da’amah al-Sadusi, Leyde, Brill, ("Islamic History and Civilization; 142"), 2017, 350 p. ISBN (…)

Story of the Encounter Between Monk Bahīra and Muhammad as It is Recorded in (…)

Story of the Encounter Between Monk Bahīra and Muhammad as It is Recorded in the Syriac Manuscript of Mardin 259/2: The Monk Encounters the Prophet by Abjar Bahkou (April 2017)

Bahkou (Abjar) Story of the Encounter Between Monk Bahīra and Muhammad as It is Recorded in the Syriac Manuscript of Mardin 259/2: The Monk Encounters the Prophet, Lewiston, The Edwin Mellen (…)

"New Frontiers of Arabic Papyrology: Arabic and Multilingual Texts from (…)

"New Frontiers of Arabic Papyrology: Arabic and Multilingual Texts from Early Islam" by Bouderbala S., Denoix S. (June 2017)

Bouderbala (Sobhi), Denoix (Sylvie), New Frontiers of Arabic Papyrology: Arabic and Multilingual Texts from Early Islam, Leiden, Brill, 2017, ("Islamic History and Civilization; 144"), 200 p. ISBN (…)