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Ouvrages en anglais

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Early Sunnī Historiography. A Study of the Tārīkh of Khalīfa b. Khayyāṭ by (…)

Early Sunnī Historiography. A Study of the Tārīkh of Khalīfa b. Khayyāṭ by Tobias Andersson (November 2018)

Andersson (Tobias), Early Sunnī Historiography. A Study of the Tārīkh of Khalīfa b. Khayyāṭ, Leiden, Brill, ("Islamic History and Civilization: 157"), 2018. ISBN 978-90-04-38317-3 Presentation (…)

Enoch from Antiquity to the Middle Ages, Volume I: Sources From Judaism, (…)

Enoch from Antiquity to the Middle Ages, Volume I: Sources From Judaism, Christianity, and Islam par John Reeves & Annette Yoshiko Reed -eds.-(Reed. March 2019)

Reeves (John), Yoshiko Reed (Annette) -Eds.-, Enoch from Antiquity to the Middle Ages, Volume I: Sources From Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 416 p. ISBN (…)

"The Qur'an and Late Antiquity: A Shared Heritage" by (…)

"The Qur’an and Late Antiquity: A Shared Heritage" by Angelika Neuwirth (February 2019)

Neuwirth (Angelika), The Qur’an and Late Antiquity: A Shared Heritage, Oxford, Oxford University Press, (Oxford Studies in Late Antiquity), 2019, 552. ISBN 978-0199928958 Author Angelika (…)

"The Apocalypse of Empire. Imperial Eschatology in Late Antiquity and (…)

"The Apocalypse of Empire. Imperial Eschatology in Late Antiquity and Early Islam" by Stephen J. Shoemaker (September 2018)

Shoemaker (Stephen J.), The Apocalypse of Empire. Imperial Eschatology in Late Antiquity and Early Islam, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, ("Divinations: Rereading Late Ancient (…)

Heirs of the Apostles, Studies on Arabic Christianity in Honor of Sidney H. (…)

Heirs of the Apostles, Studies on Arabic Christianity in Honor of Sidney H. Griffith par David Bertaina & alii (December 2018)

Bertaina (David), Toenies Keating (Sandra), Swanson (Mark N.) & Treiger (Alexander), (eds), Heirs of theApostles, Studies on Arabic Christianity in Honor of Sidney H. Griffith, Leiden, Brill, (…)

The Christian Moses. From Philo to the Qur'an by Philip Rousseau & (…)

The Christian Moses. From Philo to the Qur’an by Philip Rousseau & Janet A. Timbie éds. (July 2019)

Rousseau (Philip), Timbie (Janet A.) éd., The Christian Moses. From Philo to the Qur’an, Washington, D.C., The Catholic University of America Press, ("Studies In Early Christianity"), 2019, 368 p. (…)