Ouvrages en anglais

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To the Madbar and Back Again. Studies in the languages, archaeology, and cultures of Arabia par Laïla Nehmé et Ahmad Al-Jallad (November 2017)
Nehmé (Laïla) & Al-Jallad (Ahmad), To the Madbar and Back Again. Studies in the languages, archaeology, and cultures of Arabia dedicated to Michael C.A. Macdonald, Leiden, Brill, ("Studies in (…)

Arabs in the Early Islamic Empire. Exploring al-Azd Tribal Identity by Brian Ulrich (May 2019)
Ulrich (Brian), Arabs in the Early Islamic Empire. Exploring al-Azd Tribal Identity, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2019, 312 p. ISBN 9781474436793 Author Brian Ulrich is an (…)

Arabic Oration: Art and Function by Tahera Qutbuddin (April 2019)
Qutbuddin (Tahera), Arabic Oration: Art and Function, Leiden, Brill, ("Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 The Near and Middle East, Volume: 131"), 2019. ISBN 978-90-04-39580-0 Author (…)

Marriage in the Tribe of Muhammad. A Statistical Study of Early Arabic Genealogical Literature by Robinson Majied (October 2019)
Majied (Robinson), Marriage in the Tribe of Muhammad. A Statistical Study of Early Arabic Genealogical Literature, Berlin, 2019, 280 p. ISBN 978-3-11-062607-0 Majied (Robinson), Marriage in the (…)

The Second Canonization of the Qurʾān (324/936): Ibn Mujāhid and the Founding of the Seven Readings (December 2019)
Shady H. Nasser, The Second Canonization of the Qurʾān (324/936), Ibn Mujāhid and the Founding of the Seven Readings, Leiden, Brill, 2019. ISBN 978-90-04-41290-3 Author Shady H. Nasser, Ph.D. (…)

Journal of the International Qur’anic Studies Association, ed. Nicolai Sinai (Vol. 3)
Journal The Journal of the International Qur’anic Studies Association (JIQSA) is a peer-reviewed annual journal published by Lockwood Press on behalf of the International Qur’anic Studies (…)