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This academic website is dedicated to Qur’anic studies. It offers an updated bibliographic and informational watch of the discipline.

The Quranic Jesus: A New Interpretation by Carlos A. Segovia (December, 2018)

The Quranic Jesus: A New Interpretation by Carlos A. Segovia (December, 2018)

Segovia (Carlos A.), The Quranic Jesus: A New Interpretation, Berlin, De Gruyter, ("Judaism, Christianity, and Islam – Tension, Transmission, Transformation; 5"), 2017, 200 p. ISBN 978-3110597646

Gottes Offenbarung in Menschenwort: Der Koran im Licht der Barmherzigkeit (…)

Gottes Offenbarung in Menschenwort: Der Koran im Licht der Barmherzigkeit par Khorchide Mouhanad & alii (September 2018)

Khorchide (Mouhanad) -Auteur-, El Omari (Dina) -Collaborateurs-, Hartwig (Dirk- Collaborateurs-, Zorn (Stefan) -Collaborateurs-, Gottes Offenbarung in Menschenwort: Der Koran im Licht der (…)

"Die Schia und die Koranfälschung" by Rainer Brunner (May (…)

"Die Schia und die Koranfälschung" by Rainer Brunner (May 2016/Reed. August 2018)

Brunner, (Rainer), Die Schia und die Koranfälschung, 2., ergänzte und aktualisierte Auflage, Wiesbaden, Harrossowitz, (Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes; 103), 2016, x+143 p. ISBN (…)

Hadith: What, Why, and When by Alan Paton (August 2018)

Hadith: What, Why, and When by Alan Paton (August 2018)

Paton (Alan), Hadith: What, Why, and When..., London, Parkhill Books, 2018, 261 p. ISBN 978-1980679349 Author The author is an independant researcher. Presentation The book explains how (…)

John of Damascus, First Apologist to the Muslims. The Trinity and Christian (…)

John of Damascus, First Apologist to the Muslims. The Trinity and Christian Apologetics in the Early Islamic Period by Daniel J. Janosik (August 2018)

Janosik (Daniel J.), John of Damascus, First Apologist to the Muslims. The Trinity and Christian Apologetics in the Early Islamic Period, Foreword by Peter G. Riddell, Eugene (Oregon), Pickwick (…)

2014-2023 (Lectures: North Africa, Europe, Middle East, U.S.A)

2014-2023 (Lectures: North Africa, Europe, Middle East, U.S.A)

57. Berlin (19-23 June 2023) Institution: Georgetown University Presentation : Building Bridges 56. Paris (15 June 2023) Institution : Collège de France Présentation : Tanzîl et Temps. Une (…)

Call for Papers: The Qur'ān and Ethiopia: Context and Reception (…)

Call for Papers: The Qur’ān and Ethiopia: Context and Reception (Conference on April 8, 2019.)

Call for Papers: The Qur’ān and Ethiopia: Context and Reception Posted on July 30, 2018 Submissions are solicited for a one-day symposium on ‘The Qurʾān and Ethiopia: Context and Reception’, (…)

Announcing two four-year postdoctoral research positions in Qur'anic (…)

Announcing two four-year postdoctoral research positions in Qur’anic Studies at Oxford (UK)

Announcing two four-year postdoctoral research positions in Qur’anic Studies at Oxford (UK) Dear colleagues, Oxford’s Faculty of Oriental Studies has just announced two four-year postdoctoral (…)

Qur'anic Hermeneutics: Between Science, History, and the Bible par (…)

Qur’anic Hermeneutics: Between Science, History, and the Bible par Abdulla Galadari (August 2018)

Galadari (Abdulla), Qur’anic Hermeneutics: Between Science, History, and the Bible, Bloomsbury Academic, 272 p. ISBN 978-1350070028 The Author Abdulla Galadari is Assistant Professor at the (…)

Der historische Muhammad in der islamischen Theologie. Zur Kriterienfrage in (…)

Der historische Muhammad in der islamischen Theologie. Zur Kriterienfrage in der Leben-Muhammad-Forschung par Zishan Ghaffar (August 2018)

Ghaffar (Zishan), Der historische Muhammad in der islamischen Theologie. Zur Kriterienfrage in der Leben-Muhammad-Forschung,Schoeningh Ferdinand, ("Beiträge zur Komparativen Theologie; 31"), 2018, (…)


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