This academic website is dedicated to Qur’anic studies. It offers an updated bibliographic and informational watch of the discipline.

Keys to the Arcana Shahrastani’s Esoteric Commentary on the Qur’an
Presentation Only preserved in a single manuscript in Tehran, this remarkable twelfth-century Qur’anic commentary by Muhammad b. ’Abd al-Karim al- Shahrastani marks the achievement of a (…)

Les noms divins en Islam, exégèse lexicographique et théologique (Daniel GIMARET)
GIMARET (Daniel), Les noms divins en Islam, exégèse lexicographique et théologique, Paris, éditions du Cerf, (« Patrimoines Islam ; 2 »), 1988, 448 p. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 2-204-02828-2 (…)

Crossroads to Islam : The Origins of the Arab Religion and the Arab State (Yehuda D. NEVO & Judith KOREN)
NEVO (Yehuda D.), KOREN (Judith), Crossroads to Islam, The Origins of the Arab Religion and the Arab State. Amherst, New-York, Prometheus Books, 2003, 462 p. Bibliographie, Index. ISBN (…)

Quranic studies, Sources and methods of scriptural Interpretation (John WANSBROUGH)
WANSBROUGH (John), Quranic studies, Sources and methods of scriptural Interpretation, Foreword, Translations, and Expanded Notes by Andrew Rippin, New-York, Prometheus Books, 2004, XIX+316 p. (…)

The Origins of the Koran (éd. Ibn WARRAQ)
IBN WARRAQ, The Origins of the Koran, Classic Essays on islam’s Holy Book, Edited by Ibn Warraq, Amherst, Prometheus Books, 1998, 411 p. ISBN 1-57392-198-X L’auteur/éditeur Ibn Warraq est le (…)

The sectarian milieu, content and composition of islamic salvation history (John WANSBROUGH)
WANSBROUGH (John), The sectarian milieu, content and composition of islamic salvation history, Foreword, Translations, and Expanded notes by Gerald Hawting, Amherst, Prometheus Books, 2006, (…)

What the Koran really says (éd. Ibn WARRAQ)
IBN WARRAQ, What the Koran really says, language, text, & commentary, Edited with translations by Ibn Warraq, Amherst, Prometheus Books, 2002, 782 p. Appendices. Glossary. ISBN 1-57392-945-X (…)

The quest for the historical Muhammad (éd. Ibn WARRAQ)
IBN WARRAQ, The quest for the historical Muhammad, Edited with translations by Ibn Warraq, Amherst, Prometheus Books, 2000, 554 p. ISBN 1-573-92787-2. Presentation More than one hundred years (…)

A Comparative Lexical Study of Qur’ānic Arabic (Martin R. ZAMMIT)
ZAMMIT (Martin R.), A Comparative Lexical Study of Qur’ānic Arabic, Leiden, Brill, ("Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 The Near and Middle East ; 61"), 2002, xiv+658 p. ISBN 90 04 118012. (…)

Arabic-English Dictionary of Qur’anic Usage (BADAWI Al Saïd Muhammad & ABDEL HALEEM Muhammad)
BADAWI (Al Saïd Muhammad) & ABDEL HALEEM (Muhammad), Arabic-English dictionnary of Qur’anic usage, Leiden, Brill, ("Handbook of oriental studies. Section one, the Near and Middle East", 85) (…)