This academic website is dedicated to Qur’anic studies. It offers an updated bibliographic and informational watch of the discipline.

Arabic-English Dictionary of Qur’anic Usage (BADAWI Al Saïd Muhammad & ABDEL HALEEM Muhammad)
BADAWI (Al Saïd Muhammad) & ABDEL HALEEM (Muhammad), Arabic-English dictionnary of Qur’anic usage, Leiden, Brill, ("Handbook of oriental studies. Section one, the Near and Middle East", 85) (…)

Index du Grand Commentaire de Fahr al-Dīn al-Rāzī (Michel LAGARDE)
LAGARDE (Michel), Index du Grand Commentaire de Fahr al-Dīn al-Rāzī, Leiden, E.J. Brill, ("Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 The Near and Middle East ; 22"), 1996, LXXXII+360 pp. ISBN (…)

Al-Ghazālī and the Qurʼan : one book, many meanings (Martin WHITTINGHAM)
WHITTINGHAM (Martin), Al-Ghazālī and the Qur’an, one book, many meanings, New York, RoutledgeCurzon, (Culture and civilization in the Middle East), 2007, VIII+154 p. Notes bibliogr. Index ISBN : (…)

Les origines des légendes musulmanes dans le Coran et dans les vies des prophètes (David SIDERSKY)
SIDERSKY (David), Les origines des légendes musulmanes dans le Coran, et dans les vies des prophètes, Paris, P. Geuthner, 1933, VIII+161p. Bibliogr SIDERSKY (David), Les origines des légendes (…)

The Lord guideth (Harris BIRKELAND)
Birkeland (Harris), The Lord guideth, Studies on primitive Islam, Oslo, H. Aschehoug & Co, ("Skrifter utgitt av det Norske VidenskapsAkademi i Oslo. II. Hist.-Filos. klasse 1956 ; 2"), 1956, (…)

The mystical vision of existence in classical Islam : the Qur’ānic hermeneutics of the Sūfī Sahl At-Tustarī (d. 283/896) (Gerhard BÖWERING)
BÖWERING (Gerhard), The mystical vision of existence in classical Islam : the Qur’ānic hermeneutics of the Sūfī Sahl At-Tustarī (d. 283/896), Berlin/New York, W. de Gruyter, ("Studien zur Sprache, (…)

Activité humaine et agir de Dieu, le concept de "sunan de Dieu" dans le commentaire coranique du Manār (Christian VAN NISPEN TOT SEVENAER)
Van Nispen Tot Sevenaer (Christian), Activité humaine et agir de Dieu, le concept de "sunan de Dieu" dans le commentaire coranique du Manār, Beyrouth, Dar el-Machreq, ("Recherches, Nouvelle série (…)

Scripture and exegesis in early Imāmī-Shiism (Meir M. BAR ASHER)
BAR-ASHER (Meʾir Mikhaʾel), Scripture and exegesis in early Imāmī-Shiism, Leiden/Boston, Brill, Jerusalem, Magnes Press, The Hebrew University, ("Islamic philosophy and theology ; 37"), XV+274 p. (…)

Sufi commentaries on the Qur’an in classical Islam (Kristin Zahra SANDS)
SANDS (Kristin Zahra), Sufi commentaries on the Qur’an in classical Islam, New York, Routledge, 2005, VIII+196 p. ISBN 0-415-36685-2 L’auteur Kristin Zahra Sands est professeure d’islamologie (…)

Anthropomorphism & Interpretation of the Qur’an in the Theology of al-Qasim ibn Ibrahim Kitab al- Mustarshid (Binyamin ABRAHAMOV)
ABRAHAMOV (Binyamin) Anthropomorphism & Interpretation of the Qur’an in the Theology of al-Qasim ibn Ibrahim Kitab al- Mustarshid, Leiden/New-York/Köln, E.J Brill, ("Islamic Philosophy (…)