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Between Bible and Qur’an : The Children of Israel and the Islamic Self-Image (Uri Rubin)

Between Bible and Qur'an : The Children of Israel and the Islamic (…)

Accueil > Bibliographie/Sites > Collections > English Collections > Studies in late antiquity and early Islam (The Darwin Press) > Between Bible and Qur’an : The Children of Israel and the Islamic Self-Image (…)


This book investigates the role played by Jews and Christians in the historical perceptions of Muslims in early Islamic times and examines the manner in which Muslims viewed their own role in history as compared to that of the Jews and Christians—the "Children of Israel," as they are usually called in the context of world history. This book will be of interest to students of the history and interpretation of the Qur’an and of early Islamic tradition and dogma and early Islamic history, as well as to all those interested in comparative religion and intercultural relations between Muslims and non-Muslims.

(Source :