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Muhammad in the Qur’an, The Task and the Text (Kenneth CRAGG)

Muhammad in the Qur'an, The Task and the Text (Kenneth CRAGG)

Home > Bibliography/Web > Books > Literary Approach > Ouvrages en anglais > Muhammad in the Qur’an, The Task and the Text (Kenneth CRAGG)

Eléments biographiques

Le Révérend Albert Kenneth Cragg est un éminent prêtre anglican qui s’est notamment consacré aux relations entre chrétiens et musulmans. Né le 8 Mars 1913, Kenneth Cragg fut élève à la Grammar School de Blackpool et le Jesus College à Oxford. Il est ordonné prêtre en 1937. Tout en poursuivant une carrière ecclésiastique, il fut Professeur d’arabe et d’islamologie au Séminaire de Hartford mais aussi conférencier en sciences des religions à l’Université de Susse. En 1982, il a pris sa retraite à Oxford, où il continue à servir son Eglise.


Muhammad in the Qur’an : The Task and the Text studies the significance of what is known to Muslims as Tanzil-the classic Islamic understanding of the Qur’an as divine revelation committing an eternal Scripture to the Prophet Muhammad, ‘at intervals’ over some twenty-three years of his adult life.

That faith view sets his personality and his biography at the nerve-centre of the whole so that the Qur’an’s sequences coincide with the events through which his mind and story passed between the ages of forty and sixty-three.

How did the text relate to the task, the task determine the text?

What does the intelligent reception of the Qur’an ask of readers now both within and beyond Islam?

(Source :

Tables des matières

  • Partner to the Qur’an
  • Freeman in the land
  • ’Thou who art enmantled’
  • Al rasul al-nabi’ al ummi
  • ’Till war lays down its burdens’
  • Tasliyah or the salutation of God
  • The incidence of the pre-existent
  • The foregoing and new testament christology
  • The sirah in our contemporary scene

Note on Qur’anic verses