Ouvrages en anglais

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Qur’anic stylistic, a linguistic analysis (Hussein ABDUL-RAOF)
ABDUL-RAOF (Hussein), Qur’anic stylistic, a linguistic analysis, Munich, Lincom Europa, (« languages of the world ; 32 »), 2004, 251 p. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 3-89586-817-5 L’auteur Hussein (…)

Qur’an translation, discourse, texture and exegesis (Hussein ABDUL-RAOF)
ABDUL-RAOF (Hussein), Qur’an translation, discourse, texture and exegesis, Richmond, Routledge (« Culture and civilization in the Middle East »), 2001, XIV+197 p. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN (…)

Consonance in the Qur’an, a conceptual, intertextual and linguistic analysis (Hussein ABDUL-RAOF)
ABDUL-RAOF (Hussein), Consonance in the Qur’an, a conceptual, intertextual and linguistic analysis, Munich, Lincom Europa, (« Languages of the world ; 34 »), 2005, 339 p. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN (…)

The Poetic Qur’an, Studies on Qur’anic Poeticity (Thomas HOFFMANN)
HOFFMANN (Thomas), The Poetic Qur’an, Studies on Qur’anic Poeticity,Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, ("Diskurse der Arabistik ; 12"), 2007, XV+192 p. Bibliogr. ISBN 3-447-05515-4 L’auteur Thomas (…)

Ethico religious concepts in the Qur’an (Toshihiko IZUTSU)
IZUTSU (Toshihiko), Ethico Religious Concepts in the Qur’an, Montreal, Mc Gill-Queen University Press, 2002, 284 p. Bibliogr., index; ISBN 0-7735-2427-4 L’auteur Toshihiko Izutsu fut le (…)

The sectarian Milieu, Content and composition of islamic salvation history (John WANSBROUGH)
WANSBROUGH (John), The sectarian milieu, content and composition of islamic salvation history, Foreword, Translations, and Expanded notes by Gerald Hawting, Amherst, Prometheus Books, 2006, (…)