English Translations

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The Koran interpreted by Arthur J. Arberry, London, Allen & Unwin ; New York, Macmillan, ("Spalding library of religion"), 1955, Vol. 1. Suras I-XX. Vol. 2. Suras XXI-CXIV.

The Qur’an, Tarif Khalidi Translator, New York, Viking, 2008, xxvi+530 p. ISBN 978-0670020232 ; The Qur’an, a new translation by Tarif KHALIDI, 2008, Penguin Classics, ("HBK Classiks"), 560 p. (…)

Selections from the Kur’an (Edward William LANE ; Stanley LANE-POOLE)
LANE (Edward William) POOLE (Stanley Lane), Selections from the Ḳurán, London, Trubner, 1879, CXII+173 p. Index L’auteur Edward William Lane fut un traducteur et un lexicographe anglais. Il (…)

The Awesome News: Interpretation of Juz’ Amma- The last part of the Qur’an (Mahmoud AYOUB)
AYOUB (Mahmoud), The awesome news, interpretation of Juz ʻAmma, the last part of the Qur’ān, United States ?, World Islamic Call Society, 1997, XII+178 p. ISBN 911119-7-1 (Originally published by (…)