Beiruter Text und Studien

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Shortly after its foundation in 1961, the Orient-Institut Beirut established Beiruter Texte und Studien (Beirut Texts and Studies) as a forum for sharing its academic output. Since then, more than one hundred studies, monographs, and conference proceedings have been published in German, English, Arabic and French.
Beiruter Texte und Studien’s distributors are the Ergon-Verlag for Europe and al-Furat for the Middle East. Single copies can be also purchased in the Orient-Institut.
(Source :
La liste des ouvrages concernant le Coran
– 42. HARTMUT BOBZIN, Der Koran im Zeitalter der Reformation. Studien zur Frühgeschichte der
Arabistik und Islamkunde in Europa, Beirut 1995, unveränd. Nachdr. Beirut 2008, XIV, 590 S.
– 100. MANFRED S. KROPP, ed., Results of contemporary research on the Qurʼān. The question of a historiocritical text of the Qurʼān, Beirut 2007, 198 S. engl., franz. Text.
– 134. VIVIANE COMERRO, Les traditions sur la constitution du muṣḥaf de ‘Uthmān, Beirut 2012, 219 S.

Les traditions sur la constitution du muṣḥaf de ‘Uthmān (Viviane COMERRO)
Comerro (Viviane), Les traditions sur la constitution du muṣḥaf de ‘Uthmān, Beyrouth, Orient-Institut Beirut, ("Beiruter Texte und Studien; 134"), 2012, 219 p. ISBN 9783899138795. L’auteur (…)