This academic website is dedicated to Qur’anic studies. It offers an updated bibliographic and informational watch of the discipline.

Les manuscrits du Coran (26-28 septembre 2002)
L’Université de Bologne organisa les 26-28 septembre 2002, en collaboration avec Mme Valentina COLOMBO, une conférence internationale sur les manuscrits du Coran. Actes de colloque (intitulés (…)

Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (BSOAS)
Presentation The Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies is the leading interdisciplinary journal on Asia, Africa and the Near and Middle East. It carries unparalleled coverage of (…)

Les fondations de l’Islam. Entre écriture et histoire (Alfred Louis de PREMARE)
PREMARE (Alfred Louis de), Les fondations de l’Islam, entre écriture et histoire, Paris, Seuil, (« L’Univers Historique »), 2002, 442 p. Bibliographie ; Index. ISBN 2-02-037494-3 Présentation (…)

The syro-aramaic Reading of the koran, a contribution to the decoding of the language of the Koran (Christoph LUXENBERG)
LUXENBERG (Christoph), The syro-aramaic Reading of the koran, a contribution to the decoding of the language of the Koran, New-York, Prometheus Books, 2007, 349 p. Bibliogr ; Index. ISBN (…)

Corpus Coranicum (Textdokumentation und Kommentar zum Koran)
Presentation The project "Corpus Coranicum" contains two unworked fields of qur’anic studies: (1) the documentation of the qur’anic text in his handwritten as well as orally transmitted form and (…)

The Qur’an in Context, Historical and Literary Investigations into the Quranic Milieu (edited by Angelika NEUWIRTH, Nicolai SINAI & Michael MARX)
NEUWIRTH (Angelika), SINAI (Nicolai), MARX (Michael) ed., The Qurʾan in Context, Historical and Literary Investigations into the Qurʾanic Milieu, Leiden, Brill, ("Texts and Studies on the Qurʾān, (…)

Corpus Coranicum : Exploring the Textual Beginnings of the Qur’an (6-9 novembre 2005)
Presentation Given the rich calligraphic tradition of the Arabic script and its evolution through history, it is remarkable that the Cairo edition of the Qur’an appears to break with this (…)

Commentaire du Coran, Abū Ja’far Muḥammad Ibn Jarīr at-Tabarī, 5 vols (abrégé, traduit et annoté par Pierre GODE)
TABARI Muḥammad ibn Ǧarīr ibn Yazīd al- (m. 923), Commentaire du Coran = Muẖtaṣar tafsīr al-Ṭabarī al-musamma Ǧāmiʿ al-bāyān fī tafsīr al-Qurʾān, Abū Ǧaʿfar Muḥammad Ibn Ǧarīr al-Ṭabarī ; abrégé, (…)

Dieu et l’homme dans le Coran : l’aspect religieux de la nature humaine joint à l’obéissance au Prophète de l’islam (Jacques JOMIER)
JOMIER (Jacques), Dieu et l’homme dans le Coran, l’aspect religieux de la nature humaine joint à l’obéissance au Prophète de l’islam, Paris, Cerf, ("Patrimoines, Islam"), 1996, 237 p. Index. ISBN (…)

The Qur’an and its interpreters (Mahmoud AYOUB)
AYOUB (Mahmoud), The Qur’an and its interpreters, Albany, State University Press, 1984-1992, 2 vol. xii, 290 p. x, 433 p. . Bibliogr.: p. 281-282. Index. (tome 1). ISBN 0-87395-727-X (vol.1). - (…)