This academic website is dedicated to Qur’anic studies. It offers an updated bibliographic and informational watch of the discipline.

Le Coran : Histoire d’un texte (janvier 2005)
Le Coran : Histoire d’un texte Samedi 15 janvier 2005, 10h-17h30 Salle 06, 18 Quai Claude Bernard 60 007 Lyon Journée d’étude co-organisée par le Département d’Etudes Arabes de (…)

Arabisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch zum Koran und Thier und Mensch (Friedrich H. DIETERICI)
DIETERICI (Friedrich Heinrich), Arabisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch zum Koran und Thier und Mensch, Leipzig, Hinrichs, 1881, IV+180 p. L’auteur Friedrich Heinrich Dieterici (6 Juillet 1821 à (…)

Chrestomathia Qorani Arabica (C.A. NALLINO)
NALLINO (Carlo Alfonso), Chrestomathia Qorani Arabica, notas adiecit glossarium confecit, Lipsiae, Sumptibus Wolfgang Gerhard, 1893, VI+68p. (réédité à Rome en 1963) NALLINO (Carlo Alfonso), (…)

Muhammad Is Not the Father of Any of Your Men: The Making of the Last Prophet (David S. POWERS)
POWERS (David Stephan), Muhammad Is Not the Father of Any of Your Men: The Making of the Last Prophet, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, ("Divination"), 2009, XVI-357 p. Bibliogr. (…)

From Jahiliya to Islam (5-10 juillet 2009)
THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM - THE INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDIES Eleventh International Conference FROM JÃHILIYYA TO ISLAM July 5-10, 2009 All lectures will take place at (…)

Evidence for the Early History of the Qur’an (30-31 juillet 2009)
EDITING AND TEXTUAL CRITICISM OF EARLY MANUSCRIPTS 10:30 AM ASMA HELALI, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique The San‘ā’ Palimpsest: Introduction to Philological and Literary Aspects (…)

The Qur’an : Text, History, Culture (12-14 novembre 2009)
_____________________________ COLLOQUE INTERNATIONAL The Sixth Biennial Conference on the Qur’an The Qur’an : Text, History & Culture 12-14 November 2009 SOAS, University of London (…)

Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur (Carl BROCKELMANN)
BROCKELMANN (Carl), Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur (GAL), Carl Brockelmann ; erweitert um ein Vorwort von Jan Just Witkam, Leiden ; New York ; Köln : E.J. Brill, 1996, xxiv, 676 pp.; xiv, (…)

Christianity among the Arabs in pre-islamic times (J. Spencer TRIMINGHAM)
TRIMINGHAM (John Spencer), Christianity among the Arabs in pre-islamic times, London ; New York/Longman/Beirut, Librairie du Liban, ("Arab background series"), 1979, XIV-342 p. Bibliogr. Index. (…)

Judaism in Arabia From origins to the rise of Islam (5-6 février 2006)
International Colloquium JUDAISM IN ARABIA, FROM THE ORIGINS TO THE RISE OF ISLAM Jerusalem, Mishkenot Shaananim, Fostel Hall 5-7 FEBRUARY 2006 Organized by Centre de Recherche Français de (…)