This academic website is dedicated to Qur’anic studies. It offers an updated bibliographic and informational watch of the discipline.

Arabic in Context: Celebrating 400 Years of Arabic at Leiden University by Ahmed al-Jallad -ed.- (June 2017)
Al-Jallad (Ahmed) -ed.-, Arabic in Context: Celebrating 400 Years of Arabic at Leiden University, Leiden, Brill, ("Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics; 89"), 2017, 440 p. ISBN (…)

The Blackwell companion to the Qur’ān (ed. Andrew RIPPIN & Jawid MOJADDEDI)
RIPPIN (Andrew) & Mojaddedi (Jawid) éd., The Blackwell companion to the Qur’ān, Malden, MA, Blackwell Publishing, ("Blackwell companions to religion - Oxford : Blackwell"), 2017 (first ed. (…)

L’invention du cadi. La justice des musulmans, des juifs et des chrétiens aux premiers siècles de l’islam by Mathieu Tillier (June 2017)
Tillier (Mathieu), L’invention du cadi. La justice des musulmans, des juifs et des chrétiens aux premiers siècles de l’islam, Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, ("Bibliothèque historique des pays (…)

Power, Patronage, and Memory in Early Islam by Alain George & Andrew Marsham -eds- (October 2017)
Alain George & Andrew Marsham -eds-, Power, Patronage, and Memory in Early Islam, Oxford, Oxford University Press (USA), 2017, 384 p. ISBN 97801904989312017 Editors Edited by Alain George (…)

Ṭanṭāwī Jawharī and the Qur’an. Tafsir and Social Concerns in the Twentieth Century by Majid Danesghar (September 2017)
Danesghar (Majid), Ṭanṭāwī Jawharī and the Qur’an. Tafsir and Social Concerns in the Twentieth Century, London, Routledge, ("Routledge Studies in the Qur’an"), 2017, 192 p. ISBN 9781138052529 (…)

Muhammad’s Heirs. The Rise of Muslim Scholarly Communities, 622–950 by Jonathan E. Brockopp (June 2017)
Brockopp (Jonathan E.), Muhammad’s Heirs. The Rise of Muslim Scholarly Communities, 622–950, New York, Pennsylvania State University, ("Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization"), 2017, 250 p. (…)

Al-kashshaf: Al-zamakshari’s Mu’tazilite Exegesis of the Qur’an par Kifayat Ulla (Septembre 2017)
Ulla (Kifayat), Al-kashshaf: Al-zamakshari’s Mu’tazilite Exegesis of the Qur’an, Berlin, Walter De Gruyter, 2017, 242 p. ISBN 978-3110532012 Presentation The book analyzes extensively (…)

Analyse littérale des termes dîn et islâm dans le Coran : dépassement spirituel du religieux et nouvelles perspectives exégétiques by Cyrille Moreno (December 2016)
Moreno (Cyrille), Analyse littérale des termes dîn et islâm dans le Coran : dépassement spirituel du religieux et nouvelles perspectives exégétiques, Strasbourg, Thèse de doctorat, Université de (…)

International Conference: Quranic Studies: Methods, Contexts and Interpretations (Carthage, 4-6 July 2017)
الدراسات القرآنية: المناهج، السياقات والتأويلات Quranic Studies: Methods, Contexts and Interpretations Les études coraniques : méthodes, contextes et interprétations Organisation et Partenaires (…)

"New Frontiers of Arabic Papyrology: Arabic and Multilingual Texts from Early Islam" by Bouderbala S., Denoix S. (June 2017)
Bouderbala (Sobhi), Denoix (Sylvie), New Frontiers of Arabic Papyrology: Arabic and Multilingual Texts from Early Islam, Leiden, Brill, 2017, ("Islamic History and Civilization; 144"), 200 p. ISBN (…)