This academic website is dedicated to Qur’anic studies. It offers an updated bibliographic and informational watch of the discipline.

Biblical Traditions in the Qur’an (11-12 October 2018)
DESCRIPTION Understanding the Qur’an’s engagement with Biblical and Biblically based traditions has re-emerged as a pivotal scholarly challenge. The Islamic scripture clearly addresses an (…)

The Rise of a Capital : Al-Fusṭāṭ and Its Hinterland, 18/639-132/750 by Jelle Bruning (May 2018)
Bruning (Jelle), The Rise of a Capital: Al-Fusṭāṭ and Its Hinterland, 18/639-132/750, Leiden, Brill, ("Islamic History and Civilization ; 153"), 2018, 225 p. ISBN 9789004366350 Author Jelle (…)

Evolution of the Early Qur’ān. From Anonymous Apocalypse to Charismatic Prophet by Daniel Beck (April 2018)
Beck (Daniel), Evolution of the Early Qur’ān. From Anonymous Apocalypse to Charismatic Prophet, New York, Peter Lang, ("Apocalypticism"), 2018, XXVII+386 p. ISBN 978-1-4331-4646-6 Beck (…)

Le kérygme coranique : un défi lancé à la raison historienne (Thierry Benotmane)
Benotmane (Thierry), T. 1 Le kérygme coranique : un défi lancé à la raison historienne ; Tome 2. La réhistoricisation du kérygme coranique : Confrontation intertextuelle de commentaires coraniques (…)

The Venetian Qur’an: A Renaissance Companion to Islam by Pier Mattia Tommasino (2018)
Tommasino (Pier Mattia), The Venetian Qur’an: A Renaissance Companion to Islam, Sylvia Notini (Translation), Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, ("Material Texts"), 2017, 335 p. ISBN (…)

Medieval Latin Lives of Muhammad by Julian Yolles & Jessica Weiss -trans. & ed.- (May 2018)
Yolles (Julian) & Weiss (Jessica), Medieval Latin Lives of Muhammad, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, ("Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library ; 51") 2018, 675 p. ISBN (…)

"Les trois piliers de l’Islam: lecture anthropologique du Coran" by Jacqueline Chabbi (7 April 2016 & March 2018)
Chabbi (Jacqueline), Les trois piliers de l’Islam : Lecture anthropologique du Coran, Paris, Seuil, ("Religion"), 2016, 372 p. ISBN 978-2021231014 // 2ème éd: Points, ("Essais"), 2018, 480 p. ISBN (…)

Kleine Schriften by Josef van Ess (March 2018)
Van Ess (Josef), Kleine Schriften by Josef van Ess, ed. by Hinrich Biesterfeldt, Leiden, Brill, ("Islamic History and Civilization ; 137"), 2018, 3 vol., 1500 p., 21 illus. ISBN 9789004312241 (…)

Christianity and Qurʾān. From the Origins of Islam to the Medieval Period (Leuven, 12 March 2018)
Organized by Prof. Dr. Mehdi Azaiez with the collaboration of Dr. Chaïma Ahaddour in partnership with the University of Notre Dame, Indiana (USA) Presentation It is well known that Muslim (…)

Summer Course on Arabic Codicology: the Islamic Manuscript Heritage in the El Escorial Collection (2 to 6 July 2018)
Dear Colleague, We are very glad to announce the 5th edition of the Summer Course on Arabic Codicology: the Islamic Manuscript Heritage in the El Escorial Collection, generously supported by the (…)