This academic website is dedicated to Qur’anic studies. It offers an updated bibliographic and informational watch of the discipline.

The Latin Qur’ân, 1143-1500: Translation, Transition, Interpretation (May 2021)
Hernández (Cándida Ferrero) & Tolan (John) eds., The Latin Qur’ân, 1143-1500: Translation, Transition, Interpretation, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2021, 300p. ISBN 978-3110702637 Editors Cándida (…)

International Workshop: Qur’an and Bible (22-26 March 2021)
Originating in similar but not identical linguistic, geographical, cultural, and religious contexts, Qur’an and Bible stand in a complex relationship to each other. They share stylistic, narrative and cultic features, but also differ in fundamental ways. The Qur’an invokes the Bible and Biblical stories repeatedly and positions itself in a relationship of confirmation and fulfillment to the Judeo-Christian tradition, occasionally amending what it claims was distorted and manipulated by Christians and Jews.

The First Arabic Annals Fragments of Umayyad History by Edward Zychowicz-Coghill (March 2021)
Zychowicz-Coghill (Edward), The First Arabic Annals Fragments of Umayyad History, Berlin, De Gruyter, ("Studies in the History and Culture of the Middle East, 41"), 2021, 160 p. ISBN 9783110712650 (…)

The (Un)Translatability of Qur’anic Idiomatic Phrasal Verbs. A Contrastive Linguistic Study by Ali Yunis Aldahesh (July 2021)
Aldahesh (Ali Yunis), The (Un)Translatability of Qur’anic Idiomatic Phrasal Verbs. A Contrastive Linguistic Study, London, Routledge, ("Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting (…)

Colloque " La formation des imams, des aumôniers et des islamologues en France en 2021 : états des lieux, enjeux et perspectives." (21-22 mai 2021)
Colloque " La formation des imams, des aumôniers et des islamologues en France en 2021 : états des lieux, enjeux et perspectives." Organisateur L’Ecole Nationale de formation des cadres (…)

Conversion to Islam: Competing Themes in Early Islamic Historiography by Ayman S. Ibrahim (February 2021)
Ibrahim (Ayman S.), Conversion to Islam: Competing Themes in Early Islamic Historiography, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2021, 328 p. ISBN 978-0197530719 The author [Ayman S. (…)

Webcours Études coraniques / Quranic Studies (UC Louvain - 17 February /12 May)
Le Coran : Structure, Histoire et Interprétations Printemps 2021 Mehdi Azaiez - Professeur d’islamologie - UCLouvain – Mercredi 14-16h (17 février (…)

La vocation civilisationnelle de l’islam dans l’oeuvre de Malek Bennabi by Jamel El Hamri (March 2020)
El Hamri (Jamel), La vocation civilisationnelle de l’islam dans l’oeuvre de Malek Bennabi, Paris, Cerf ("Patrimoines"), 2020, 344. ISBN 9782204138321 The Author Jamel El Hamri est docteur en (…)

Ali, le secret bien gardé - Figures du premier Maître en spiritualité shi’ite by Mohammad-ali Amir-moezzi (November 2020)
Amir-moezzi (Mohammad-ali), Mir-kasimov (Orkhan) (Avec la contribution de), Terrier (Mathieu) (Avec la contribution de), Ali, le secret bien gardé - Figures du premier Maître en spiritualité (…)

Magic and Divination in Early Islam (re-éd. Emilie SAVAGE-SMITH)
Magic and Divination in Early Islam, edited by Emilie Savage-Smith, Aldershot/Hants/Burlington, VT, Ashgate/Variorum, ("The formation of the classical Islamic world ; 42") 2004, LI+394 p. Notes (…)