(Archer) George, Dakake (Maria M.), Madigan Daniel A., (eds.), Routledge Companion to the Qur’an, London, Routledge, ("Routledge Religion Companions") 2021, 600 p. ISBN-13 : 978-0415709507
George Archer is Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa.
Maria M. Dakake is Associate Professor of Religious Studies at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.
Daniel A. Madigan is Associate Professor and Jeanette W. and Otto J. Ruesch Family Distinguished Jesuit Scholar at Georgetown University, Washington DC.

The Routledge Companion to the Qur’an offers an impressive and comprehensive overview of the formative scripture of Islam. Including a wide number of scholarly approaches to the Qur’an by both established authorities and emergent voices, the forty essays in this volume represent the latest word on the academic understanding of the Muslim scripture.
The Qur’an is spoken of in scholarship across disciplines; is the beating heart of a living community of believers; is a work of beauty and basis for art and culture; is a profoundly significant historical artifact; and is a mysterious survivor from the Late Ancient Arabic-speaking world. This Handbook accompanies the reader into the many worlds that the Qur’an lives in, from its ancient settings, to its internal drama, and through the 1,400 years of discussion and debate about its meaning.
Bringing diverse approaches to the Qur’an together in one volume The Routledge Companion to the Qur’an represents the vibrancy of the field of Qur’anic Studies today. This Handbook is essential reading for students and researchers in religious studies and Islamic studies. This Handbook will also be very useful for those in related fields, such as, area studies, sociology, anthropology, and history.
Editors’ Introduction: The Qur’an’s Three Worlds
Daniel Madigan, Maria Dakake, and George Archer
Part I: The World Before the Qur’an
1. Late Antiquity and the Religious Milieu of the Qur’an’s Origins
Sidney Griffith
2. Arabia: Ripe for a New Prophet
Gordon Newby
3. Mecca and Medina: The Sacred History and Geography of the Qur’an
Maria Dakake
Part II: The World of the Qurʾan
4. God: The Many-Named One of the Qur’an
Tim Winter
5. Humanity in Covenant with God
Joseph Lumbard
6. Qur’an and Eschatology
Mohammed Rustom
7. Abraham and his Family
Halla Attallah and George Archer
8. Biblical Prophets: Moses, Joseph, Jonah, and Job
Roberto Tottoli, translated by Jason Welle
9. John, Jesus, and Mary in the Qur’an
George Archer
10. Muhammad in the Qur’an
Joseph Lumbard
11. The Praiseworthy (and the Reprehensible)
Feryal Salem
12. The People of Scripture (Ahl al-Kitāb)
Michael Pregill
13. Qur’anic Creation: Anthropocentric Readings and Eco-centric Possibilities
Sarra Tlili
14. Jinn in the Qur’an
Ali A. Olomi
15. Style in the Qur’an
Devin J. Stewart
16. Structure and Organization of the Qur’an
Nevin Reda
17. Qur’anic Kerygma: Epic, Apocalypse, and Typological Figuration
Todd Lawson
18. Metaphor, Symbol, and Parable in the Qur’an
Caner Dagli
19. The Relationship Between the Oral and the Written
Lauren Osborne
Part III: The World in Front of the Qur’an
20. Asbāb al-Nazūl: The (Good) Occasions of Revelation
Ahmed Ragab
21. The Early Commentators of the Qur’an
Stephen Burge
22. Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī Seen Through His Great Commentary on the Qur’an
Michel Lagarde
23. Tafsīr Ibn Kathīr: A Window onto Medieval Islam and a Guide to the Development of Modern Islamic Orthodoxy
Younus Y. Mirza
24. The Formative Development of Shiʿi Qur’anic Exegesis
Maria Dakake
25. Methodological Observations in al-ʿAllāma al-Ṭabāṭabāʾī’s Qur’an Commentary: Al-Mīzān
Abdulaziz Sachedina
26. The Qur’an in the Thought of Ibn ʿArabī
William Chittick
27. Sufi Readings of the Qur’an
Lahouari Ramzi Taleb
28. Shi’i Ismaili Approaches to the Qur’an: From Revelation to Exegesis
Khalil Andani
29. Women’s Contemporary Readings of the Qur’an
Hadia Mubarak
30. War and Peace in the Qur’an
Rumee Ahmed
31. Muhammad ʿAbduh and Sayyid Qutb
Massimo Campanini
32. Readings of the Qur’an from Outside the Tradition
Emran El-Badawi
33. Translations
Johanna Pink
34. The Qur’an and Material Culture
Travis Zadeh
35. The Qur’an and the Internet
Gary R. Bunt
36. The Qur’an in Contemporary Mass and Popular Culture
N. A. Mansour
37. The Qur’an and Kalām
David Thomas
38. The Impact of the Qur’an on Islamic Philosophy
Gholamreza Aavani
39. Political Theology and the Qur’an
Paul L. Heck
40. The Qur’an, Science, and Medicine
Elaine van Dalen