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This academic website is dedicated to Qur’anic studies. It offers an updated bibliographic and informational watch of the discipline.

The Qur'an: Text and Commentary, Volume 1: Early Meccan Suras: Poetic (…)

The Qur’an: Text and Commentary, Volume 1: Early Meccan Suras: Poetic Prophesy (July 2022)

Neuwirth (Angelika), The Qur’an: Text and Commentary, Volume 1: Early Meccan Suras: Poetic Prophesy, trans. Samuel Wilder, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2022, 528 p. ISBN 978-0300232332 (…)

The Normative Verses (āyāt al-aḥkām) in Modern Times: A Challenge not only (…)

The Normative Verses (āyāt al-aḥkām) in Modern Times: A Challenge not only for Muslims

Presentation The Qur’an, the holy book of Muslims, is not only a sa­cred text but also the primary and most authoritative source for defining the legal framework of Islam. About 500 hundred (…)

Guide to the Contents of the Qur'an

Guide to the Contents of the Qur’an

Sherif (Faruq), Guide to the Contents of the Qur’an, London, Ithaca P, 1985, 165 p. ISBN 9780863720307 Presentation Because the Qur’an deals with so many diverse subjects in its various (…)

Unlocking the Medinan Qur'an (April 2022)

Unlocking the Medinan Qur’an (April 2022)

Sinai (Nicolai) -ed.-, Unlocking the Medinan Qur’an, Leiden, Brill, ("Texts and Studies on the Qurʾān ; 19"), 2022. ISBN 978-90-04-50970-2 Presentation The Qur’anic surahs and passages that (…)

“The Qur'an in inter-Christian polemic” (June 2022)

“The Qur’an in inter-Christian polemic” (June 2022)

Presentation 13-17 June 2022 Nantes, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Ange Guépin 5 allée Jacques Berque, 44021 Nantes Cedex 1 Simone Veil Amphitheatre Organized by ERC project “The European (…)

Les imaginaires eschatologiques en islam : Perspectives historiques (…)

Les imaginaires eschatologiques en islam : Perspectives historiques comparées (18 march 2022)

Séminaire : F. Imbert, M. Touazi, “Les imaginaires eschatologiques en islam : Perspectives historiques comparées” [séance 2] , Metz et en ligne, 18/03/2022 (14h). Dans le cadre du cycle de (…)

Webcours Pensée islamique/Islamic Thoughts (UCL / 3 February-5 May 2022)

Webcours Pensée islamique/Islamic Thoughts (UCL / 3 February-5 May 2022)

SPEAKERS Avec la participation de (par ordre alphabétique) Mokdad Arfa Mensia (Université de Tunis) Mehdi Azaiez (UCL, Louvain) Mohammad Hocine Benkheira (EPHE, Paris) Mehdi Berriah (…)

A Concise Guide to the Life of Muhammad Answering Thirty Key Questions (…)

A Concise Guide to the Life of Muhammad Answering Thirty Key Questions (March 2022)

Ibrahim (Ayman S.), A Concise Guide to the Life of Muhammad: Answering Thirty Key Questions, East Fulton Road Ada, Baker Academic, 2022, ISBN Presentation An expert in the study of Islam (…)

The One and the Many. The Early History of the Qur'an (March 2022)

The One and the Many. The Early History of the Qur’an (March 2022)

Déroche (François), The One and the Many. The Early History of the Qur'an, Yale University Press, 2022. ISBN 978-0300251326 (English Translation of Le Coran, une histoire plurielle - Essai sur la formation du texte coranique, Paris, Seuil, ("Les Livres du nouveau monde"), 2019, 304 p. ISBN 978-2021412529)

Offenbarung, Exegese und Ratio ʻAllāma Saiyid Muḥammad Ḥusain Ṭabāṭabāʼī und (…)

Offenbarung, Exegese und Ratio ʻAllāma Saiyid Muḥammad Ḥusain Ṭabāṭabāʼī und sein Korankommentar al-Mīzān fī tafsīr al-Qurʼān (Mars 2022)

Ali Sadr, Seyed, Offenbarung, Exegese und Ratio: ʻAllāma Saiyid Muḥammad Ḥusain Ṭabāṭabāʼī und sein Korankommentar al-Mīzān fī tafsīr al-Qurʼān, Berlin, De Gruyter ("Islamkundliche Untersuchungen; (…)


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