Non Sola Scriptura. Essays on the Qur’an and Islam in Honour of William A. Graham, Edited By Bruce Fudge, Kambiz GhaneaBassiri, Christian Lange, Sarah Bowen Savant, London, Routledge, 2022. ISBN 9781032169286

William A. Graham is an influential and pioneering scholar of Islamic Studies at Harvard University. This volume brings together seventeen contributions to the study of the Qur’an and Islam, all influenced by his work
Contributions to this collection, by his colleagues and students, treat many different aspects of Islamic scripture, from textual interpretation and hermeneutics to recitation and parallels with the Bible. Other chapters tackle in diverse ways the question of what it means to be "Islamic," and how such an identity may be constituted and maintained in history, thought and learning. A final section reflects on the career of William Graham and the relation of scholarship to the undervalued tasks of academic administration, especially where the study of religion is concerned.
This book will be of interest to readers of Islamic Studies, Qur’anic Studies, Islamic history, Religious Studies, scripture, exegesis, and history of the book. Given Graham’s role at the Harvard Divinity School, and the discussions of how he has shaped the study of religion, the volume should be of interest to readership across the study of religion as a whole.
Table des matières
William A. Graham: Vita and List of publications
List of Contributors
Part A: Textual Studies on the Quran
1. The Written Torah and Oral Qur’an in Pagan Mecca: Towards a New Reading of Q 6:91 Mohsen Goudarzi
2. Qur’anic Anosmia Christian Lange
3. Mimesis and the Representation of Reality in the Qur’an Bruce Fudge
4. Places of Worship in the Qur’an Kambiz Ghanea Bassiri
Part B: Qur’an as Scripture
5. The Canonizations of the Qurʾan: Political Decrees or Community Practices? Shady H. Nasser
6. Principles of Qur’anic Exegesis and Quranic Revelation in ‘Seven Ways of Reading’: Revelation, Exegesis, the Religious Imaginaire, and Apologetics in Islam Claude Gilliot
7. The Word of God in the Bible and the Qur’an Mahmoud M. Ayoub
8. Al-Māturīdī (d. 333/944), Early Sunni Exegesis, and Muʿtazilism: Sura 67 and the Five Principles of Sunni Exegesis Walid A. Saleh
9. The Gināns: Betwixt Satpanthī Scripture and ‘Ismaili’ Devotional Literature Ali S. Asani
10. The Holy Qur’an Whitney Bodman
Part C: The “Islamic” in Islamic History
11. Does Pre-Modern Islamic Thought Allow for a Secular Realm? Roy P. Mottahedeh
12. The Present Absentee: The Prophet Muhammad in Jerusalem Angelika Neuwirth
13. And Muhammad is His Messenger: The Role of Sunna and Hadith in the Formation of Islamic Identity Aisha Y. Musa
14. Crisis and Caliphate in the Spring of 86 Chase F. Robinson
15. People vs. Books Sarah Bowen Savant
Part D: William A. Graham as Colleague and Administrator
16. Fifty years as Colleagues: Pilgrims’ Progress Diana Eck
17. William A. Graham’s Approach to Comparative Religion as Scholar, Teacher and Administrator Raquel Ukeles
Index of Qur’anic References
General Index