This academic website is dedicated to Qur’anic studies. It offers an updated bibliographic and informational watch of the discipline.

Alchoran latinus I. Paris, Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal ms. 1162 (August 2022)
Lappin (Anthony John) ed., Alchoran latinus I. Paris, Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal ms. 1162, Rome, Aracne, 2022, 500 p. ISBN 979-12-218-0144-6 Presentation This semi-diplomatic edition of the (…)

Weg Zur Quelle: Die Scharia Im Koran (September 2022)
Khorchide (Mouhanad) ed., Weg zur Quelle. Die Scharia im Koran, Freiburg im Breisgau, Herder, ("Herders Theologischer Koran-Kommentar ; 2"), 2022, 400p. Isbn 978-3-451-38035-8 Editor Khorchide (…)

Prominent Murder Victims of the Pre- and Early Islamic Periods Including the Names of Murdered Poets (Janvier 2022)
Ibn Ḥabīb (Muḥammad) d. AH 245/AD 860, Prominent Murder Victims of the Pre- and Early Islamic Periods Including the Names of Murdered Poets, Editor / Translator: Geert Jan van Gelder, Leiden, (…)

Non Sola Scriptura. Essays on the Qur’an and Islam in Honour of William A. Graham (June 2022)
Non Sola Scriptura. Essays on the Qur’an and Islam in Honour of William A. Graham, Edited By Bruce Fudge, Kambiz GhaneaBassiri, Christian Lange, Sarah Bowen Savant, London, Routledge, 2022. ISBN (…)

Journée d’études : Les manuscrits de la collection de Qayrawân – Témoignages (22 juin 2022)
Journée d’étude : “Les manuscrits de la collection de Qayrawân – Témoignages.”, Lille (MESH), 22/06/2022. Programme : 9h30 : Arrivée des participants 10h : Conférence inaugurale Prof. Ibrahim (…)

The Chapters of Mary and Ta Ha: From the Immense Ocean (July 2022)
Ahmad Ibn ‘Ajiba, The Chapters of Mary and Ṭā Hā from the Immense Ocean – Ibn ‘Ajiba (al-Bahr al-Madid), trans. by Mohamed Fouad Aresmouk (Traduction), Michael Abdurrahman Fitzgerald, Louisville, (…)

Mixed Messages: Using the Bible and Qur’ān in Swahili Tracts (September 2022)
Chesworth (John A.), Mixed Messages: Using the Bible and Qur’ān in Swahili Tracts, Leiden, Brill, ("Studies of Religion in Africa ; 51"), ISBN 978-90-04-51966-4 Author John A. Chesworth, PhD (…)

Recherches actuelles sur les manuscrits coraniques (2-3 June 2022)
Presentation Le Coran, ipsissima verba de Dieu pour les musulmans, est aujourd’hui un texte qui continue à être mémorisé, écrit (dans certaines régions du monde) et récité. Au début de l’islam, (…)

Rebellious Wives, Neglectful Husbands: Controversies in Modern Qur’anic Commentaries (May 2022)
Mubarak (Hadia), Rebellious Wives, Neglectful Husbands: Controversies in Modern Qur’anic Commentaries, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2022, 368 p. ISBN Author Hadia Mubarak is Assistant (…)

Colloquim: Current research on Koranic manuscripts (2-3 june 2022)
Presentation The Koran, God’s ipsissima verba for Muslims, is today a text that continues to be memorized, written (in some parts of the world) and recited. In early Islam, the Koranic text was (…)