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Women and the Qu’ran, A Study in Islamic Hermeneutics (Bahar DAVARY)

Women and the Qu'ran, A Study in Islamic Hermeneutics (Bahar DAVARY)

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DAVARY (Bahar), Women and the Qu’ran, A Study in Islamic Hermeneutics, Lewiston NY, Edwin Mellen Press , 2009, 186 p. ISBN 0-7734-3858-0


Bahar Davary est professeur au Département de théologie et des sciences des religions à l’Université de San Diego. Elle enseigne l’islam, l’islam et les femmes, les religions du monde, et d’éthique comparée à l’Institut Kroc pour la paix et de justice.


This work argues that a link between the modern consciousness of woman and the Qur’anic discourse can be established only by revealing the historical continuity in the language formation in the image of woman. A resource for addressing this issue can be found in the discussion of modern hermeneutics. The central theme of modern hermeneutics is to examine the historical continuity between the text and its interpretations. The work of Hans-Georg Gadamer, a contemporary German philosopher who is influential in the hermeneutical ontology of language in both North America and Europe, provides the framework for this discussion.

Table des matières

Foreword by Prof. Burhanettin Tatar, Ondokuz Mayis University in Turkey

1. Tabari: The Classical Approach
The Creation Story and the Language of the Qur’ an
The Elaboration of the Creation Story
Guile, Love, and Lust
Autonomous vs. Subordinated Morality
Marriage, Polygamy, and Disruption of Marital Harmony

2. Fakhr al-Din Razi: The Grand Commentary
The Creation Story
Morality, Immorality, and Gender
Marriage and Divorce

3. ’Abduh: Accommodating Tradition with Modernity
The Creation Story as interpreted in Al-Manar
Women’s Guile
Polygamy and Divorce in Al-Manar

4. Tabataba’i: Contemporary Shia Tafsir
Creation ex nihilo or Evolution
Women: Spiritual Beings or a Threat to Men’s Spirituality?
“Men are maintainers of Women”?
Marriage and Divorce
The Case of Polygamy

5. If Our Past is Present, How Can We Get to the Future ?
Remembered or Useable Past
Women and Interpretation of the Qur’an
Feminist Interpretations of the Qur’an

“Forgetfulness of Being” and the Futurality of Dasein

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