The European Qur’an

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The European Qur’an. Islamic Scripture in European Culture and Religion 1150-1850 is a peer-reviewed book series publishing the research results of the correspondent ERC project EuQu. The European Qur’an analyze the important role that the Qur’an has played in the formation of medieval and early modern European religious diversity and identity, deeply imbedded in the political and religious thought of Europe and part of the intellectual repertoire. The titles dealing with aspects of the transmission, translation and study of the Qur’an in Europe, in debates about European cultural and religious identities, and more broadly about the place of the Qur’an in European culture. General Editors are the four Principal investigators: Mercedes García-Arenal, John Tolan, Roberto Tottoli and Jan Loop.
Funded by: European Research Council
Edited by: Mercedes García-Arenal, Jan Loop, John Tolan and Roberto Tottoli
ISSN: 2701-0554
e-ISSN 2701-0562

The Latin Qur’ân, 1143-1500: Translation, Transition, Interpretation (May 2021)
Hernández (Cándida Ferrero) & Tolan (John) eds., The Latin Qur’ân, 1143-1500: Translation, Transition, Interpretation, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2021, 300p. ISBN 978-3110702637 Editors Cándida (…)

The Iberian Qur’an (September 2022)
García-Arenal (Mercedes) & Wiegers (Gerard) -Eds., The Iberian Qur’an: From the Middle Ages to Modern Times, Berlin, De Gruyter, ("The European Qur’an") 2022, 550 p. ISBN 9783110778595 (…)

The Qur’an in Rome Manuscripts, Translations, and the Study of Islam in Early Modern Catholicism (nov. 2023)
Stella (Frederico), Totolli (Roberto), The Qur’an in Rome. Manuscripts, Translations, and the Study of Islam in Early Modern Catholicism, Berlin, De Gruyter, ("The European Qur’an; 4"), 2023, 430 (…)

European Muslims and the Qur’an Practices of Translation, Interpretation and Commodification (Nov. 2023)
Wiegers (Gerard), Sibgatullina (Gulnaz), European Muslims and the Qur’an. Practices of Translation, Interpretation and Commodification, Berlin, De Gruyter, ("The European Qur’an; 5"), 2024, 260 p. (…)

Eastern Christians’ Engagement with Islam and the Qur’ān. Texts, Contexts and Knowledge Regimes
Negoiță (Octavian-Adrian), Eastern Christians’ Engagement with Islam and the Qur’ān. Texts, Contexts and Knowledge Regimes, Berlin, De Gruyter, ("The European Qur’an ; 6"), 2024, 320 p. ISBN (…)

The European Qurʾān: Encounters with the Holy Text of Islam from the Ninth to the Twentieth Century
Loop (Jan) & Afif (Naima) & Wien (Weltmuseum) Eds., The European Qurʾān : Encounters with the Holy Text of Islam from the Ninth to the Twentieth Century, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2024, 128 p. (…)