Lange (Christian) ed., Locating Hell in Islamic Traditions, Leiden, Brill, ("Islamic History and Culture; 119"), 375 p. ISBN 9789004301214
Christian Lange is Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. He has published a monograph and several articles on the history of crime and punishment in Islam, edited two volumes on Islamic political history, and is the author of the forthcoming Paradise and hell in Islam (2015-16).
Frederick Colby, Daniel de Smet, Christiane Gruber, Jon Hoover, Mohammad Hassan Khalil, Christian Lange, Christopher Melchert, Simon O’Meara, Samuela Pagani, Tommaso Tesei, Roberto Tottoli, Wim Raven, and Richard van Leeuwen.
Table of contents
List of figures
List of abbreviations
1. Introducing hell in Islamic Studies
Christian Lange

Part I: Quranic netherworlds
2. The barzakh and the intermediate state of the dead in the Quran
Tommaso Tesei
3. From space to place: The Quranic infernalization of the jinn
Simon O’Meara
4. Revisiting hell’s angels in the Quran
Christian Lange
Part II: Hell in early and medieval Islam
5. Locating hell in early renunciant literature
Christopher Melchert
6. Fire in the upper heavens: Locating hell in Middle Period narratives of Muḥammad’s Ascension
Frederick Colby
7. Hell in popular Muslim imagination: The anonymous Kitāb al-ʿAẓama
Wim Raven
Part III: Theological and mystical aspects
8. Is hell truly everlasting? An introduction to medieval Islamic universalism
Mohammad Hassan Khalil
9. Ibn ʿArabī, Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, and the political functions of punishment in Islamic hell
Samuela Pagani
10. Withholding judgment on Islamic universalism: Ibn al-Wazīr (d. 840/1436) on the duration and purpose of hell-fire
Jon Hoover
Part IV: Varieties of hell in Islamic traditions
11. Ismaʿili-Shiʿi visions of hell: From the “spiritual” torment of the Fatimids to the Ṭayyibī rock of Sijjīn
Daniel de Smet
12. The Morisco hell: The significance and relevance of the Aljamiado texts for Muslim eschatology and Islamic literature
Roberto Tottoli
13. Curse signs: The artful rhetoric of hell in Safavid Iran
Christiane Gruber
14. Literature and religious controversy: The vision of hell in Jamīl Ṣidqī al-Zahāwī’s Thawra fī l-jaḥīm
Richard van Leeuwen
General index
List of contributors