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Ouvrages en anglais

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Fasting in the Koran (Wagtendonk K.)

Fasting in the Koran (Wagtendonk K.)

Wagtendonk K., Fasting in the Koran, Leiden, E. J. Brill, ("Dissertationes ad historiam religionum pertinentes, v. 2. Supplementa ad Nvmen, altera series"), 1968, 164 p. Biblio, Index. (…)

The Mohammedan controversy (William MUIR)

The Mohammedan controversy (William MUIR)

MUIR (William), The Mohammedan controversy ; Biographies of Mohammed ; Sprenger on tradition ; The Indian liturgy ; and, The Psalter..., Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark, 1897, X+220 p. Eléments (…)

Islamic Origins. A Study in Background and Foundation (Julian Obermann)

Islamic Origins. A Study in Background and Foundation (Julian Obermann)

OBERMANN (Julian), Islamic Origins. A Study in Background and Foundation, Memphis, Literary Licensing, 2011, 68 p. ISBN 1258074141 L’auteur Julian Obermann (1888-1956) fut professeur de (…)

Islam's understanding of itself (Hovannisian Richard G. & Vyronis (…)

Islam’s understanding of itself (Hovannisian Richard G. & Vyronis Speros, Jr, eds.)

Richard G. Hovannisian and Speros Vyronis, Jr (eds.), Islam’s understanding of itself / [Eighth Giorgio Levi Della Vida Biennial Conference, May 1-3, 1981, Gustave E. von Grunebaum Center for Near (…)

A History of the Jews of Arabia: From Ancient Times to Their Eclipse under (…)

A History of the Jews of Arabia: From Ancient Times to Their Eclipse under Islam (Gordon Darnell Newby)

NEWBY (Gordon Darnell), A History of the Jews of Arabia, From Ancient Times to Their Eclipse under Islam, Columbia, University of South Carolina press, (Studies in comparative religion / (…)

Leaves from Three Ancient Qurans, Possibly Pre-Othmanic (MINGANA Alphonse (…)

Leaves from Three Ancient Qurans, Possibly Pre-Othmanic (MINGANA Alphonse & SMITH LEWIS Agnes)

MINGANA (Alphonse), SMITH LEWIS (Agnes), Leaves from Three Ancient Qurans, Possibly Pre-Othmanic, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1914, 124 p. (Republication, Cambridge University Press, (…)