Ouvrages en anglais

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Woman’s Identity and the Qur’an: A New Reading (Nimat Hafez BARAZANGI)
BARAZANGI (Nimat Hafez), Woman’s identity and the Qur’an, a new reading, Gainesville (Fla.), University press of Florida, 2004, XII-172 p. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 0-8130-2785-3 BARAZANGI (Nimat (…)

Women and the Qu’ran, A Study in Islamic Hermeneutics (Bahar DAVARY)
DAVARY (Bahar), Women and the Qu’ran, A Study in Islamic Hermeneutics, Lewiston NY, Edwin Mellen Press , 2009, 186 p. ISBN 0-7734-3858-0 DAVARY (Bahar), Women and the Qu’ran, A Study in Islamic (…)

The expansion of prophetic experience: essays on historicity, contingency and plurality in religion (Abdulkarim SOROUSH)
SOROUSH (Abdulkarim), The expansion of prophetic experience, essays on historicity, contingency and plurality in religion, Translated by Nilou Mobasser Edited with Analytical Introduction by (…)

An Introduction to the commentary on the holy Qoran (Abu Muhammad ABD AL-HAQQ)
ABD AL-HAQQ (Abu Muhammad), An Introduction to the commentary on the holy Qoran, being an English translation of Al Bayan, by Maulvi Aboo Muhammad Abdul Haqq Haqqani,... traduit par Muḥammad (…)

Sufi Master and Qur’an Scholar Abū’l-Qasim al-Qushayrī and the Latā’if al-Ishārāt (Martin NGUYEN)
Martin Nguyen, Sufi Master and Qur’an Scholar, Abū’l-Qasim al-Qushayrī and the Latā’if al-Ishārāt, Oxford University Press / Institute of Ismaili Studies, ("Qur’anic Studies"), 2012, 250 p. ISBN (…)

Approaches to the History of the Interpretation of the Qur’ân (ed. Andrew RIPPIN)
Rippin (Andrew) éd., Approaches to the History of the Interpretation of the Qur’ân, Piscataway, Gorgias Press, 2012 (1988), 334 p. ISBN 978-1-60724-046-4 Editor Andrew Rippin est islamologue (…)