Ouvrages en anglais

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Tajalli wa-Ru’ya: A Study of Anthropomorphic Theophany and Visio Dei in the Hebrew Bible, the Qur’an and Early Sunni Islam (W. Wesley WILLIAMS)
WILLIAMS (W. Wesley), Tajalli wa-Ru’ya : A study of anthropomorphic theophany and Visio Dei in the Hebrew Bible, the Qur’an and early Sunni Islam by Williams, , Ph.D., University of Michigan, (…)

The slogan "Back to the Qur’an and the Sunna" : a comparative study of the responses of Hasan Hanafi, Muhammad ’Abid al-Jabiri and Nurcholish Madjid (Yudian W. ASMIN)
ASMIN (Yudian W.), The slogan "Back to the Qur’an and the Sunna" : a comparative study of the responses of Hasan Hanafi, Muhammad ’Abid al-Jabiri and Nurcholish Madjid, McGill University (Canada), (…)

The Quran and the Secular Mind. A Philosophy of Islam (Shabbir AKHTAR)
AKHTAR (Shabbir), The Quran and the Secular Mind A Philosophy of Islam, London, Routledge, ("Routledge Religion"), 2007, 416 p. ISBN 978-0-415-43782-0 L’auteur Shabbir Akhtar est Professeur de (…)

With reverence for the word (Jane Dammen McAULIFFE, Barry D. WALFISH, Joseph W. GOERING)
McAULIFFE (Jane Dammen), WALFISH (Barry D.) & GOERING (Joseph W.), With reverence for the word medieval scriptural exegesis in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, New York, Oxford university (…)

The Islamic Understanding of death and ressurection (Jane IDLEMAN SMITH & Yvonne HADDAD)
IDLEMAN SMITH (Jane) & YAZBECK HADDAD (Yvonne), The Islamic Understanding of death and ressurection, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2002, 262 p. ISBN 9 780195156492 Les auteurs Smith (…)

The Garden and the Fire: Heaven and Hell in Islamic Culture (Nerina RUSTOMJI)
RUSTOMJI (Nerina), The Garden and the Fire, Heaven and Hell in Islamic Culture, Columbia University Press, New-York, 2008, 240 p. ISBN 978-0-231-14084-3 RUSTOMJI (Nerina), The Garden and the (…)