Ouvrages en anglais

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"Qur’an and the Lyric Imperative" by Richard Serrano (Avril 2016)
Serrano (Richard), Qur’an and the Lyric Imperative, New-York, Rowman & Littlefield, 2016, 274 p. ISBN 978-1-4985-2070-6 Author Richard Serrano is professor of French and comparative (…)

Sibawayhi’s Principles by Michael C. Carter (September 2016)
Carter (Michael C.), Sibawayhi’s Principles. Arabic Grammar and Law in Early Islamic Thought, Atlanta, Lockwood Press, ("Resources in Arabic and Islamic Studies") ISBN 978-1937040581 The author (…)

"The Qur’an and the Aesthetics of Premodern Arabic Prose" by Sarah R. bin Tyeer (July 2016)
R. bin Tyeer (Sarah), The Qur’an and the Aesthetics of Premodern Arabic Prose, London, Palgrave Macmillan, ("Literatures and Cultures of the Islamic World"), 2016, LXXIII, 315 p. ISBN (…)

"History of the Arabic Written Tradition" by Carl Brockelmann Volume 1, Translate by Joep Lameer with a Preface by Jan Just Witkam (October 2016)
Carl Brockelmann (Carl), History of the Arabic Written, Translated by Joep Lameer. With a Preface by Jan Just Witkam, Leiden, Brill, ("Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 The Near and Middle (…)

The Linguistic Features of the Qur’anic Narratives by Yehudit Dror (November 2016)
Yehudit Dror, The Linguistic Features of the Qur’anic Narratives, Berlin, Lit Verlag, ("Wiener Offene Orientalistik; 12"), 2016, 216 p. ISBN 978-3-643-50779-2 The author Yehudit Dror is (…)

The Koran in English: A Biography by Bruce B. Lawrence (June 2017)
Lawrence (Bruce B.), The Koran in English: A Biography, Princeton, Princeton University Press, ("Lives of Great Religious Books") 2017, 264 p. ISBN 9780691155586 The Author Bruce B. Lawrence (…)