Edinburgh Studies in Islamic Scripture and Theology

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Edinburgh Studies in Islamic Scripture and Theology
Series Editor(s): Ramon Harvey
Publishes original studies on the Qur’an and Hadith as the scripture of Islam, their commentary literatures, and the diverse theological systems founded upon them
Reflects on theological readings of Islamic scripture and the use of Islamic scripture within theology from an interdisciplinary perspective
Draws on Muslim scriptural and theological tradition using contemporary theoretical and methodological approaches
Presents constructive Muslim exegesis of Islamic scripture and philosophical theology
Draws on new methodologies such as the tools of digital humanities, the use of statistical methods and data-processing techniques
The study of Islamic scripture (including the Qur’an and Hadith) and Muslim theology are blossoming fields in the academy. Books in this series will focus on the scriptural sources, speculative theological discourses, and their points of contact.
The series will bring a diverse range of perspectives to the study of pre-modern and contemporary Islamic scripture and theology. This includes emerging sub-fields in Qur’anic studies such as a focus on the classical disciplines used to understand the Qur’an, hermeneutics and tafsir studies. In the area of Muslim theology there is a focus on important concepts, authors and schools, with an emphasis on constructive theological approaches from varying perspectives, for example in conversation with analytic or continental philosophy.
Series Advisory Board
Professor Ulrika Mårtensson, Dr Aisha Musa, Dr Shuruq Naguib, Professor Johanna Pink, Dr Joshua Ralston, Dr Harith Bin Ramli, Dr Sohaib Saeed, Professor David Vishanoff.
Write for the series
Edinburgh Studies in Islamic Scripture and Theology is accepting book proposals for monographs and edited collections of essays of around 80–100,000 words in length.
Find our book proposal guidelines
To discuss your idea or submit your proposal, contact either:
Series editor Ramon Harvey: rnharvey@hotmail.co.uk
Rachel Bridgewater, Senior Commissioning Editor for Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies: rachel.bridgewater@eup.ed.ac.uk

The Integrity of the Qur’an Sunni and Shi‘i Historical Narratives
Kara (Seyfeddin), The Integrity of the Qur’an Sunni and Shi‘i Historical Narratives, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, ("Edinburgh Studies in Islamic Scripture and Theology"), 2024, 288 p. (…)