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This academic website is dedicated to Qur’anic studies. It offers an updated bibliographic and informational watch of the discipline.

Patterns of Argumentation and Exchange of Ideas in Late Antiquity and Early (…)

Patterns of Argumentation and Exchange of Ideas in Late Antiquity and Early Islam (July 2024)

Papadogiannakis (Ioannis), Roggema (Barbara), Patterns of Argumentation and Exchange of Ideas in Late Antiquity and Early Islam, London, Routledge, 2024, 224 p. ISBN 9781138043916 Editors (…)

The Qur'an in Rome Manuscripts, Translations, and the Study of Islam in (…)

The Qur’an in Rome Manuscripts, Translations, and the Study of Islam in Early Modern Catholicism (nov. 2023)

Stella (Frederico), Totolli (Roberto), The Qur’an in Rome. Manuscripts, Translations, and the Study of Islam in Early Modern Catholicism, Berlin, De Gruyter, ("The European Qur’an; 4"), 2023, 430 (…)

Key Terms of the Qur'an: A Critical Dictionary (June 2023)

Key Terms of the Qur’an: A Critical Dictionary (June 2023)

Sinai (Nicolai), Key Terms of the Qur’an: A Critical Dictionary, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2023, 752 p. ISBN 978-0691241319 Author Nicolai Sinai is professor of Islamic studies at (…)

Mary in the quran (A conference on the Book)

Mary in the quran (A conference on the Book)

Presentation This conference seeks to convene scholars who can discuss the major themes of the book, engaging with the chapters and in dialogue with them. An entire Sura bears her name. She is (…)

Critical Hermeneutics Contemporary Philosophical Perspectives in Turkey on (…)

Critical Hermeneutics Contemporary Philosophical Perspectives in Turkey on the Understanding and Interpretation of the Qur’an

Çelik (Yusuf), Critical Hermeneutics. Contemporary Philosophical Perspectives in Turkey on the Understanding and Interpretation of the Qur’an, Leyde, Brill, ("Texts and Studies on the Qurʾān, (…)

Le Cycle de ʿAbd Al-Muṭṭalib. Restauration, Sacrifice, et Naissance (…)

Le Cycle de ʿAbd Al-Muṭṭalib. Restauration, Sacrifice, et Naissance prophétique dans la Sīra d’Ibn Isḥāq

Aomar (Hannouz), Le Cycle de ʿAbd Al-Muṭṭalib. Restauration, Sacrifice, et Naissance prophétique dans la Sīra d’Ibn Isḥāq, Leiden, Brill, ("Islamic History and Civilization, Volume: 208"), 2023, (…)

Histoire(s) et Coran (15 June 2023)

Histoire(s) et Coran (15 June 2023)

COLLOQUE Organisé par François DÉROCHE, CHAIRE HISTOIRE DU CORAN TEXTE ET TRANSMISSION Histoire(s) et Coran Jeudi 15 juin 2023 9h30 Allocution d’accueil 9h45 Tanzīl et Temps. Une (…)

Between Memory and Power The Syrian Space under the Late Umayyads and Early (…)

Between Memory and Power The Syrian Space under the Late Umayyads and Early Abbasids (c. 72-193/692-809)

Borrut (Antoine), Between Memory and Power The Syrian Space under the Late Umayyads and Early Abbasids (c. 72-193/692-809), translation by Anna Bailey Galietti, Leiden, Brill, (Handbook of (…)

Qur'an Translation in Indonesia Scriptural Politics in a Multilingual State

Qur’an Translation in Indonesia Scriptural Politics in a Multilingual State

Pink (Johanna), Qur’an Translation in Indonesia Scriptural Politics in a Multilingual State, London, Routlege, 2023, 230 p. ISBN 9781032497518 Editor Johanna Pink is Professor of Islamic (…)

Gog and Magog. Contributions toward a World History of an Apocalyptic Motif

Gog and Magog. Contributions toward a World History of an Apocalyptic Motif

Tamer (Georges), Greisiger (Lutz), Mein (Andrew), Gog and Magog. Contributions toward a World History of an Apocalyptic Motif, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2023, 1000 p. ISBN 978-3110720150 Presentation (…)


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