This academic website is dedicated to Qur’anic studies. It offers an updated bibliographic and informational watch of the discipline.

Le religieux, le narratif et le littéraire. Coran et exégèse coranique dans l’histoire de la littérature arabe (October 2019)
Hassan (Iyas), Le religieux, le narratif et le littéraire. Coran et exégèse coranique dans l’histoire de la littérature arabe, Préface de Mehdi Azaiez, Beyrouth, Presses de l’IFPO, Beyrouth, IFPO, (…)

On a perdu Adam - La création dans le Coran by Jacqueline Chabbi (Octobre 2019)
Chabbi (Jacqueline), On a perdu Adam - La création dans le Coran, Paris, Seuil, ("Essais religieux"), 2019, p. 372 p. ISBN 978-2021416848 Author Jacqueline Chabbi, agrégée d’arabe et docteur (…)

L’Alcoran. Comment l’Europe a découvert le Coran par Olivier Hanne (Septembre 2019)
Hanne (Olivier), L’Alcoran. Comment l’Europe a découvert le Coran, Paris, Belin, ("Histoire"), 2019, 696 p. ISBN : 978-2-7011-9804-0 Auteur Olivier Hanne est maître de conférences, agrégé et (…)

Raison et révélation en Islam: Les voies de la connaissance dans le commentaire coranique de Faḫr al-Dīn al-Rāzī (m. 606/1210) (July 2019)
Oulddali (Ahmed), Raison et révélation en Islam: Les voies de la connaissance dans le commentaire coranique de Faḫr al-Dīn al-Rāzī (m. 606/1210), Leyde, Brill, ("Islamic History and Civilization, (…)

Qurʾān Quotations Preserved on Papyrus Documents, 7th-10th Centuries par Michael Marx & Andreas Kaplony eds. (September 2019)
Marx (Michael), Kaplony (Andreas) eds., Qurʾān Quotations Preserved on Papyrus Documents, 7th-10th Centuries, Leiden, Brill, ("Documenta Coranica ; 2"), ISBN 978-90-04-37697-7 Marx (Michael), (…)

The Making of Religious Texts in Islam: The Fragment and the Whole (Pre-and Early Islam) by Asma Hilali and S.R. Burge eds. (June 2019)
Hilali (Asma) & Burge (S.R.), The Making of Religious Texts in Islam: The Fragment And The Whole, Berlin, Gerlach Press, 2019, 200 p. ISBN 978-3959940702 Hilali (Asma) & Burge (S.R.), (…)

Contemporary Perspectives on Revelation and Qu’ranic Hermeneutics: An Analysis of Four Discourses par Ali Akbar (December 2019)
Akbar (Ali), Contemporary Perspectives on Revelation and Qu’ranic Hermeneutics: An Analysis of Four Discourses,Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2019, 256 p. ISBN 978-1474456166 Author (…)

Prophets and Prophecy in the Qur’an Narratives of Divine Intervention in the Story of Humankind by Anthony H. Johns (July 2019)
Johns (Anthony H.), Prophets and Prophecy in the Qur’an. Narratives of Divine Intervention in the Story of Humankind, Sheffield, Equinox Publishing, 2017, 256 p. ISBN 9781781791219 The Author (…)

Contemporary Approaches to the Qur’an and Its Interpretation in Iran by Ali Akbar & Abdullah Saeed (November 2019)
Akbar (Ali), Saeed (Abdullah), Contemporary Approaches to the Qur’an and Its Interpretation in Iran, London, Routledge, ("Contemporary Thought in the Islamic World"), 2019, 216 p. ISBN (…)

Early Islamic Studies Seminar / 11th Nangeroni Meeting New Perspectives and Contexts in the Studies of Islamic Origins 2
The Early Islamic Studies Seminar: International Scholarship on the Qur’ān and Islamic Origins (EISS) is an academic group of international specialists associated to the Enoch Seminar: (…)