This academic website is dedicated to Qur’anic studies. It offers an updated bibliographic and informational watch of the discipline.

Remapping Emergent Islam. Texts, Social Settings, and Ideological Trajectories by Carlos A. Segovia -ed- (July 2020)
Remapping Emergent Islam. Texts, Social Settings, and Ideological Trajectories, Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, ("Social Worlds of Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages"), 2020, 244 p. (…)

Muhammad’s Mission: Religion, Politics, and Power at the Birth of Islam by Tilman Nagel (July 2020)
Nagel (Tilman), Muhammad’s Mission: Religion, Politics, and Power at the Birth of Islam, Trad. Josef Spoerl, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2020, 368 p. ISBN 978-3110674644 Author Tilman Nagel (* 19. (…)

Muhammad and the Empires of Faith. The Making of the Prophet of Islam by Sean Anthony (April 2020)
Anthony (Sean), Muhammad and the Empires of Faith. The Making of the Prophet of Islam, University of California Press, 2020, 350 p. ISBN: 9780520340411 Author Sean W. Anthony is Associate (…)

The Oxford Handbook of Qur’anic Studies by Mustapha Shah & M. A. S. Abdel Haleem -eds- (May 2020)
Shah (Mustapha), Abdel Haleem (Muhammad), The Oxford Handbook of Qur’anic Studies, Oxford, Oxford University Press, ("Oxford Handbooks"), 2019, 896 p. ISBN 978-0199698646 Editors Mustafa Shah (…)

IQSA weekly online (Zoom) Seminars
IQSA sponsors weekly online (Zoom) Seminars to bring scholars and students of the Qur’an together at a time when many are in social isolation Presentation Starting today, IQSA will sponsor (…)

Affiliation & Membres Member, Building Bridges (Berkley Center/Georgetown University, USA) Corresponding Member, Beit al Hikma (Carthage, Tunisia) Member, International Qur’ānic Studies (…)

Ranks of the Divine Seekers, A Parallel English-Arabic Text. Volume 1, 2 trans. Ovamir Anjum (June 2020)
Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya Ranks of the Divine Seekers, A Parallel English-Arabic Text. Volume 1, 2, Trans. Ovamir Anjum, Leiden, Brill, ("Islamic Translation Series, Volume: 14.1, 2"), 2020, xvi+909 (…)

Allah, God in the Qur’an by Gabriel Said Reynolds (March 2020)
Reynolds (Gabriel Said), Allah, God in the Qur’an, Yale, Yale University Press, 2020, 336 p. ISBN: 9780300246582 Author Gabriel Said Reynolds did his doctoral work at Yale University in (…)

Conférence : Le discours eschatologique du Coran et la Fin du monde dans la tradition tardo-antique : quelques remarques intertextuelles par Paul Neuenkirchen (ANNULÉ 9 Avril 2020)
Le Laboratoire Écritures EA 3943 & le Département de Théologie.s Université de Lorraine (Metz) vous convient au CYCLE DE CONFÉRENCES Composer, écrire et transmettre le Coran au premier (…)

Le Coran des historiens (October 2019)
Amir-Moezzi (Mohammad-Ali) & Dye (Guillaume) -éds-, Le Coran des Historiens, Paris, Le Cerf, 2019, 3500 p. ISBN 978-2204135511 Amir-Moezzi (Mohammad-Ali) & Dye (Guillaume), Le Coran des (…)