This academic website is dedicated to Qur’anic studies. It offers an updated bibliographic and informational watch of the discipline.

Early Islamic Theology: The Mu`tazilites and al-Ash`ari: Texts and Studies on the Development and History of Kalam, Vol. II (Août 2020)
Frank (Richard M.) ed. by Gutas (Dimitri), Early Islamic Theology: The Mutazilites and al-Ashari: Texts and Studies on the Development and History of Kalam, Vol. II, London, Routledge, ("Variorum (…)

Theology and Society in the Second and Third Century of the Hijra. SET by Josef van Ess (August 2020)
Van Ess (Josef), Theology and Society in the Second and Third Centuries of the Hijra., A History of Religious Thought in Early Islam, Set Volume 1-5, Leiden, Brill, ("Handbook of Oriental Studies. (…)

Dieu de la Bible, dieu du Coran. Dialogue with Jacqueline Chabbi &Thomas Römer (September 2020)
Chabbi (Jacqueline) & Römer (Thomas), Dieu de la Bible, dieu du Coran Dialogue, Entretiens avec Jean-Louis Schlegel, Paris, Seuil, 2020, 304 p. ISBN 9782021421361 Authors Thomas Römer, (…)

Structural Dividers in the Qur’an by Marianna Klar -ed.- (October 2020)
Klar (Marianna), Structural Dividers in the Qur’an, London, Routledge, ("Routledge Studies in the Qur’an"), 2021, 464 p. ISBN 978-0367800055 Klar (Marianna), Structural Dividers in the Qur’an, (…)

The Qur’an between the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic. An Exegetical Tradition par Susan Gunasti (December 2020)
Gunasti (Susan), The Qur’an between the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic. An Exegetical Tradition, London, Routledge, ("Routledge Studies in the Qur’an"), 2019, 288 p. ISBN 9781138336926 (…)

JIQSA 4 edited by Nicolai Sinai (2019)
Journal of the International Qur’anic Studies Association V.4 2019 (Lockwood Press) edited by Nicolai Sinai (Oxford University). Presentation Volume four is available to IQSA members for FREE (…)

Muhammad’s Body Baraka Networks and the Prophetic Assemblage by Michael Muhammad Knight (September 2020)
Muhammad Knight (Michael), Muhammad’s Body. Baraka Networks and the Prophetic Assemblage, Chapel Hill, NC, the University of North Carolina Press, ("Islamic Civilization and Muslim Networks"), (…)

The Golden Calf between Bible and Qur’an: Scripture, Polemic, and Exegesis From Late Antiquity to Islam by Michael E. Pregill (July 2020)
Pregill (Michael E.), The Golden Calf between Bible and Qur’an: Scripture, Polemic, and Exegesis From Late Antiquity to Islam, Oxford, Oxford University Press, ("Oxford Studies in the Abrahamic (…)

The Semantics of Qurʾanic Language: Al-Āḫira by Ghassan el Masri (June 2020)
el Masri (Ghassan), The Semantics of Qurʾanic Language: Al-Āḫira, Leyde, Brill, ("Texts and Studies on the Qurʾān ; 16"), 2020. ISBN 978-90-04-42799-0 Author Ghassan el Masri, Dr. Phil (…)

Calligraphers, Illuminators and Patrons. Mamluk Qur’an Manuscripts from 1341–1412 AD by Noha Abou-Khatwa (July 2020)
Abou-Khatwa (Noha), Calligraphers, Illuminators and Patrons. Mamluk Qur’an Manuscripts from 1341–1412 AD (in light of the collection of the National Library of Egypt), Bonn V&R Unipress, (…)