This academic website is dedicated to Qur’anic studies. It offers an updated bibliographic and informational watch of the discipline.

The Qur’an and its interpretive tradition (Andrew RIPPIN)
RIPPIN (Andrew), The Qur’an and its interpretive tradition, Aldershot, Ashgate Variorum, («Variorum collected studies series ; 715 »), 2001, XIX+336 p. ISBN 0-86078-848-2.* Presentation This (…)

Exégèse, langue et théologie en islam. L’exégèse coranique de Tabari (Claude GILLIOT)
GILLIOT (Claude), Exégèse, langue et théologie en islam. L’exégèse coranique de Tabari, Paris, Vrin (« Etudes musulmanes », XXXII), 1990, 320 p. indices GILLIOT (Claude), Exégèse, langue et (…)

The Life of Muhammad (éd. Uri RUBIN)
RUBIN (Uri) éd., The Life of Muhammad, edited by Uri Rubin, Aldershot, Brookfield, (« The formation of the classical Islamic world ; 4 »), 1998, XLVI+410 p. Bibliogr; Index. ISBN 0-86078-703-6 (…)

The Qur’an, style and content (éd. Andrew RIPPIN)
RIPPIN (Andrew), The Qur’an : style and contents, edited by Andrew Rippin, Aldershot/Brookfield (Vt.)/Singapore [etc.], Ashgate, ("The formation of the classical Islamic world ; 24") 2001, (…)

Muslims and Others in Early Islamic Society (éd. Robert HOYLAND)
HOYLAND (Robert), Muslims and others in early Islamic society, edited by Robert Hoyland, Aldershot/Burlington (Vt.), Ashgate, ("The formation of the classical Islamic world ; 18"), 2004, XXXIV-363 (…)

The Arabs and Arabia on the Eve of Islam (éd. F.E. PETERS)
L’auteur F.E. Peters est Professeur d’histoire et d’études moyen-orientales à l’Université de New York. Presentation This volume examines the background to the rise of Islam. The opening (…)

L’action psychologique dans le Coran (Dominique & Marie Thérèse URVOY)
URVOY (Dominique) & Urvoy (Marie Thérèse), L’action psychologique dans le Coran, Paris, Cerf, (« Patrimoines, Islam »), 2007, 103 p. Index. ISBN 978-2-204-08368-3 Les auteurs (…)

The idea of Idolatry and the Emergence of Islam : From Polemic to History (Gerald. R HAWTING)
HAWTING (Gerald. R), The Idea of Idolatry the Emergence of Islam, From Polemic to History, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, (« Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization »), 1999, XVII+168 p. (…)

Crossroads to Islam, The origins of the arab religion and the arab state (NEVO & KOREN)
Yehuda D. Nevo, Judith Koren, Crossroads to Islam, The Origins of the Arab Religion and the Arab State. Amherst, New-York, Prometheus Books, 2003, 462 p., bibliographie, index ; ISBN (…)

In search of the original Koran (Mondher SFAR)
SFAR (Mondher), In search of the original Koran, the true History of the revealded text, New-York, Prometheus Books, ("Islamic Studies"), 2008, 152 p; bibliogr; index. ISBN 978-1-59102-521-4 (…)